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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Oh and be VERY careful...... http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=111777031 :lol::lol::lol:
  2. Nice Greekman you know how to woo the women pmsl Also - soaps???? You have a storyline? A local pub? Three disasters a year and a Christmas special where someone dies???? You have a strange sex life dude!
  3. No one would want to see Sl114 in his gay domination outfits draping himself over a fiat 500 though. Oh Mark, go to a local cruise (full of idiots) and ask a slutty girl if she'll pose. You live in essex for crying out loud! Just watch the white stillettos on the paint! Try a search for model agencies or glamour model agencies in your area!
  4. The same! That's if it isn't clean already. I did mine for it's new owner and I did my CAI filter at the same time to make sure!
  5. Might feel more responsive when it's on but I never noticed. Does sound good though! I never cut a hole and it was fine. Make sure you give the filter a good clean and oil before putting it on!
  6. I don't like it! Join the 'I hate M350ZB Zed' facebook group!
  7. It's pink with daisies and pink fur interior until proved otherwise.
  8. I thought it would have needed some tardis! Must have been really aggressive clay!
  9. I missed this completely. I won't dwell on the ins and outs of family problems but I will ask how did they remove the paint?
  10. who wants a moustache ride???? Beerfest should possibly be watched by the whole team before this party. Smells like sex in here... OR 'Hey Favre, whats the name of that restaurant with all that goofy sh!t on the walls?' 'Oh, you mean Shenanigans?' Sorry, love this film. Jay ditch the rugby and all just watch this instead. The smells like sex in here one is a typical entrance for me at work.... if it's a shared office! I used to do it offshore a lot too! Always got a reaction. It's a quality film. I might watch it tonight!
  11. We did have a chat about that. He has loads of footage. Not sure if photobucket keeps it synced though as Alex said that youtube sound/vision sync was out by 10 seconds! It'd be good to see a few laps as it certainly feels REALLY quick!
  12. Sorry about the lack of production value!
  13. The difference isn't 5mm. The difference is 5% of 225 and 245.
  14. Here are a few pics from the track day.
  15. Stew


    I'm sorry but do nissan know anything about offsets or car stances? A bit off topic but maybe slightly on topic................when I first saw the 350z I instantly thought "I want one of them".........I remember drooling over pictures...........I even went to a dealer, got a sales brochure and read it back to front on a flight to Barcelona. I booked a test drive and drove 80 miles beforehand to pick up my license so that I could take the zed out. I actually even wrote off the zed I was test driving. When i had my kuro zed i remember seeing the UY GT4 with Nismo kit for sale and my heart jumped, I had to have it!!! So whats my point? The point is that I feel none of these things for the 370Z................it looks vile imo......................They have made a big booboo imo......it should be 1300 Kg's and at leats 380+bhp......that would get us zed lovers excited! Sorry for the rant I know what you mean. I was following the Zed long before it was launched over here, truly lusting over it and agonising whether I could afford to take the leap. I couldn't be less excited over this one... Absolutely true. I like having a car that kids gawp at and point. With the 370Z I feel it might be followed by a laugh...... It looks like a really awkward TVR 350C from the back. It's just all wrong. I do love the retro rear quarter window though.
  16. I think you can either send pics in or if you attend a show then if the car is good they'll come to you!
  17. who wants a moustache ride???? Beerfest should possibly be watched by the whole team before this party.
  18. Jesus, that serves him right for saying that he wasn't interested in cuddling her during her bad week.......
  19. Next time we have a mini meet we could tie it in with a dons match!
  20. Stew


    Andy. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=123
  21. The daisy graphics applied straight and the pink fur retrim done right! Nice! Look forward to seeing the pics tomorrow!
  22. Stew


    You could contact someone like Andy from Kudos Automotive. Andy on this site as it happens. He could advise you as he has lots of experience with tyres.
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