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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew


    Ok. Cool. Alex is my knockhill instructor then! I'm in!
  2. Stew

    Small mods!

    You haven't seen Beavis when he's angry!
  3. Nice looking teg there. Love the model too! :lol:
  4. Stew

    What Oil

    I use amsoil. Contact oilman on the forum for the best deal and advice.
  5. Stew


    Winter and track next year if I can work up the bottle!
  6. You can't be too happy being represented by him though! True!
  7. Don't tell mum and this is not a drill are funny but it is the truth stretched greatly! Coming from someone that's been to a few of the same places working both with production and drilling I can tell you a lot of it is pure imagination. Hillarious though! Ben Elton is superb Nixy. He's still clever, done a lot of different books with many themes and I've read them all! He's funny, smart and attacks some cracking plots in his novels. I like his books anyway.....
  8. The way I heard on my350z is! Set the rev limiter to say 2000RPM, hold the throttle dead steady so the light is lit up, then jam the needle back on at 2k RPM position! As good as any I suppose! Looks good so far! I'll look forward to seeing it finished!
  9. Best thing about him is the fact he's Scottish!
  10. Were you in Montrose Mart? Stan - sorry. Next time I'll invite you! Doug - Absolutely! The winter Rays are on and it's ready for action!
  11. Leave it to January and I'll do it for you!
  12. Oh and any time you fancy a drive give me a shout Cara. I know your other half is away right now so it'd give you a chance to drive! :lol:
  13. Well a few hastily snapped pics as both Doug and my other half were on the phone...... I took the hint.....
  14. Mike and Bec's house! :lol: You got light at your house? The wax will be doing fine, I gave mine two foams with megs shampoo plus and a quick mit and rinse bucket and it came up spanking. Took about 20 mins including setting up and tidying up!
  15. rear and moving. Diff, driveshafts etc. I'm no mechanic but it must be something from the diff outwards if it only occurs when moving.
  16. Great publicity for the club too. Well done!
  17. He won't care now! He's running an evo and loving it.
  18. Aye, quite a machine you've bought Ian. An excellent example especially if you like carbon!
  19. Sorry mate it sold almost immediately after posting up to some one on the other channel.. I bet you're well chuffed it sold so quick Alex!
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