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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Fitted my Dixcel brakes last night. The pads bite hard from cold and the pedal feels amazing. Oh and you stop VERY quickly!
  2. You could create an illness....... I doubt anyone would check. Maybe not what you wanted to hear but it could work. I'll ask my girlfriend as she is a neuroscientist so she might come up with some mega brain disease!
  3. Aha! That clears it up. I have a raspy one! My mates M3 was seeing a good thrashing last night and it sounds very like my Zed.
  4. I have an OEM azure but I think it needs paint too. Robs Nismoesque bumper would do the trick.....
  5. Splashing out Digs....
  6. I used V power as it was easier to get. I'll use Tesco now as it's easier!
  7. The Great Escape from REAL roads! :lol:
  8. Station just opened about 2 -3 mins from my house!
  9. It's supplied with the correct bulb and I *think* that it's legal as red light is emmited.
  10. Suss out his knowledge and if he's clueless try to pass off as knowing exactly what your doing. I'd hit with a lower offer than that.....
  11. Well it could work. I bought my landie for a song due to doing this, the fact his new car was on the drive and he had had a few glasses of wine! Did I take advantage, yes. Was he happy when I handed over the readies and drove away. Yes. Everyones a winner. Well worth a try anyway. Oh and go well prepared with values.
  12. private or dealer? private, hit them with a REALLY low offer and work up. Chances are their confidence will be knocked with the first offer so you'll geta good deal. I know it's not nice but it works!
  13. Been using the surfex for about a year I think and it's magic. So is their clay. Might be an idea for all the clean freaks to post up detailing threads to compare and it would lets others learn some tricks. I'd certainly like to learn from others.
  14. Hmmmmm, I've shyed away from pulleys as I remember a member (maybe on the other side) had an engine failure and Nissan claimed it was down to pulleys..... Simply due to that, plus I've never heard of others using them on near standard cars.
  15. I've been loving my shaving foam style foam in the winter months.
  16. Nice write up, shame it's white as pics never does it justice! What did you use in the gilmour as that foam didn't look to 'clingy'
  17. I wouldn't do things to other people that I wouldn't like if people did to me. Simple as that.
  18. I think it's speaking about the light rather than the lens. Their are a lot of things in the MOT that are left up to the tester. Find a nice one.....
  19. Get a price for a retrim in leather and then tell him you'll pay the difference. Or just go for a straight swap....
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