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Everything posted by Stew

  1. The colour could be silverstone but maybe one the american members could confirm that. Welcome. Pop up an intro as you might be a handy guy to have onboard.
  2. Well I think the master key is worth persuing. Nissan should be sending you the correct one quickly. I would be very reluctant to smash a window as it will render the car unusable anyway.
  3. have a look at the buying guide! Nothing major to worry about on the Zed.
  4. From the pic the match looks as good you'll get on Azure! Andrew, a chip off the old mans block. Full of good Zed ideas.
  5. You never PM'd me with the info! After me sharing naked lady pics with you too!
  6. But you have to dress him to be in a Santa outfit..... Women are strange!
  7. Well Andrew, I hope things go well. Same offer applies as last night by the way, if you need a chat with someone detached from the situation. We really do have some of the best medical professionals in the world in this country. Your Dad IS in the best possible hands. Best of luck to Phil during the next few hours. My thoughts are with you all tonight Andrew.
  8. Well the Zed is secure. I'm glad of that! I'd keep trying the key in the door. The key might be worn and the door lock not. Sorry, really can't think of anything else.
  9. I thought the bar joke was pretty funny actually! I'm sure it wasn't meant with any offense! Nice 260. 13k should see you in a very tasty Zed. You know what spec and colour you fancy? by the way.
  10. Neon tubes and Essex....... I bet you had an escort and your bird had white stilettos! Cliche hell! :lol::lol:
  11. I love that clip. I burst out laughing as it is EXACTLY what cats do (minus the baseball bat) I like my cat. She's ace!
  12. Courtesy do ship to the UK but they pull your pants down over postage! Best to contact ZMAXALEX, JDM performance or MJP in the Uk.
  13. They look good Alex. I have CTEK on my bike Rob. It is very good but pricey. Think it's around £60 or something but the huge advantage to it is that you can leave the wires permanantly on by screwing them onto the terminals as it has a 'quick connector' It is more suited to bikes in my opinion though and wouldn't pay the extra for having it on the car where the battery is so easily accessible. On my bike you have to take of two or three panels and the seat to get to it!
  14. Glad someone else has good memories of the car. Looking at it now it does seem very underwhelming but in it's day (like you say) it was a bit of a belter. It punched well above it's weight in the luxury and performance stakes. My dads one ended up as a taxi! How he ran it I've no idea. Met the guy that bought it one day when I was with my Mum and the guy said it was the best taxi he's ever had! He had previously run Mercs and Beemers generally.
  15. http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=19083 My Dad had a silver saloon model. It was the first car I ever drove. I had driven a couple of vans before but Dad let me loose in his Granada in a huge empty car park at his office. I think I was about 13! It was an ace car with electric reclining seats in the back! He only sold it as my Mum drove it like she stole it most of the time! They used to have a competition to see who could get the instant readout MPG computer to the lowest figure! That was before it became politically incorrect to burn fuel for no reason! It seemed so fast at the time...... Anyway, reminiscing over. I better get back to work!
  16. I think this sub forum could probably warrant becoming a section on it's own. Then there could be splits into sub forums inside. Not sure how it could be laid out but here are a couple of examples. Traders Trader Name Traders posts or Traders Sub forums (interior, exterior, exhausts etc) Traders posts I think for simplicity it'd maybe be easiest to run the first way. There could maybe even be a page for special offers or one off deals that do come up. I'm not sure if this would be viable but I think it could be more user friendly when you have cash burning a whole in your pocket! I think (personally of course) that the rest of the trading section is fine. Just an idea anyway.....
  17. It's her birthday! She's old*! Have a great time and stay off the wine! *er than me by about 5 weeks!
  18. Happy Birthday! :yahoo::yahoo: Ha ha! You're older than me!
  19. I would if I knew how. Sadly technical knowledge lacking I know how! First off resize a picture (you can use photbucket for this) to be a maximum of 100 x100 pixels and 6kb. Save a copy of this in photobucket and click on the link. Then go into 'edit your profile' and paste it into 'Link to offsite Avatar' Done! All through the web, no need to even save your 'man porn' to your PC!
  20. I probably just had a T shirt knowing me..... I can't remember. I do remember being cold while hatching a plan to take pics beside the signpost for Lost and **** bridge!
  21. i have something to space them out You wish!
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