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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Infiniti looks like a CX16. Evoque convertible? Looks silly and pointless to me but it'll sell well I bet. 500L = Panda?????
  2. Focus ST, facelifted version is easily attainable for that.
  3. Have you checked the car for mice? They make a high pitched squeak when woken up from slumber by a noisy Zed. I'm going with MOUSE!
  4. Stew

    NEW Wiper Blades

    Make me a sandwich.
  5. Look fine to me. The extra rubber will wear off with use.
  6. It's like 'supertroopers' on 'roids!
  7. Stew

    620 GT

    Hmmmm, I'll wait to see one in the flesh. I love the 599, one of my favourites!
  8. PH1 - 'blah blah blah....' PH2 - 'Have you driven one?' PH1 - 'No, but jezza thought it was rubbish' PH2- 'GTFO'
  9. Man Trucks are manly. That is all.
  10. Teachers are at it because they can't find anyone else that has enough holidays!!!!
  11. That is a whole load of awesome!
  12. It'd be a great loss. D&T is a subject that is more a 'career' chooser than any other. English, Oooooh I'll study English Literature for 4 years. Then I look forward to working at McDonalds. D&T, I'll be a graphic designer / Engineer / Joiner / Builder etc. Now I have a career. I do sometimes wonder what people think.
  13. They can be used for snow foaming with the right attachment. A power washer is perfect in conjunction with 2BM. I use mine primarily for the car.
  14. Where are you located? Also, I'd worry more about the brakes than the tyres.....
  15. I find the whole 'look how ace I am making a fool of someone' and 'ooooh I'm a cyclist and a car cut me up' vids on YouTube extremely lame. I hold them with the same regard as 'serious' reviewers on Trip Advisor. Absolute waste of bandwidth.
  16. If there are no more pics then a ban is in order! Get up more pics of the Willys jeep etc! In fact it's so cool it deserves it's own thread in 'other cars' if you have the time.
  17. Stew

    Advice on Car

    That's what I thought!
  18. Stew

    Advice on Car

    If you need someone local to check it out then give me a bell. It's not a car I've seen about I must say.
  19. I had to guess everyones..... Sorry about that. They asked me that afterwards and there was no time to check so I just made educated guesses.
  20. Stew

    20 Inch Rims

    They aren't Axis Pentas although a very similar style. Mine are MUCH lighter and much rarer!. Still heavy compared to Rays though!
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