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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Could be right enough. I look at in gear times as I think that's the most important thing. I'd like to see everyone try and replicate the speeds though....
  2. Welcome to the site. The S14 looks great. Try a Zed and see if it's for you!
  3. When I saw first pics of the red frame and swing arm I thought it looked rubbish but it's grown on me. Very nice looking bike that!
  4. Get your ass up to Aberdeen! Was through Glasgow on Thursday and Sunday anyway!
  5. Cracking Rob. The GM does really come into it's own with a bit of work put in! Is that your garage? I want it. It has drainage and loads of working space!
  6. It's today. I'm sitting in the office just now wishing I was in bed! 26 and I don't look a day over 33!
  7. Emmmm there are threads on it somewhere. I could never really follow the whole arrangement but I think that eventually (maybe 3 years or so....) all zeds will be £400 a year.
  8. He's a big gay and doesn't drink!
  9. Stew


    My original suspicions were correct. The 370Z NEEDS a kit to look great. The 350Z looked ace as it stood however the 370 needs that little extra for it to work in my opinion.
  10. There are quite a few 313s on here. All Zeds are in 'super tax' band. The price you pay depends on when the car was registered in the UK. Beware of this if buying an import too! I think the cut off is March 06 (maybe....)
  11. I hope the applecross in is big enough!
  12. Mine are the same as that I think. The others pictured don't lift high enough. What are the measurements of the strut and body? Also can you push it up more or does it stop there?
  13. CS, is it worth it for a car that wouldn't be tracked etc? Im guessing there is a reason you went for Reds rather than Yellows.
  14. It's a decent price for an 07 registered car. Worth a look if it's not a million miles away. If it is then ask a forum member to have a gander for you!
  15. Red stuff will be fine! I ran them on mine, in fact I have a set of rears kicking about the garage I can fire down to you if you decide to do both. As discussed (briefly) check the discs out for condition and it might be worth changing the fluid too. It'll be like a new car! Edited to say And give it a clean and get the calipers waxed while you're at it!
  16. Excellent buddie. Pop over to see Mike on the way home!
  17. CS might do you a deal. Postage might bump up the price but it's a doddle to remove the bumper.
  18. Happy belated birthday Zedrush Jay!
  19. In 6 months it won't be a family car.......
  20. Stew

    My Zeds famous!

    I tried Adam! It snips it automatically. Still, I liked it!
  21. I don't think Adam touched the paint hence you can spot the imperfect paint match. My 5 year old niece actually helped with the prep! She's getting to be a dab hand at the 2 bucket method too!
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