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Everything posted by Stew

  1. The car isn't to my taste really however it's a good prep job!
  2. Looks better than sound..... It sounds too black looks the business.
  3. Stew

    Leather seats

    Not sure on price as they don't come up often. I think the wiring is probably there so you maybe could run them electrically. There is no manual adjustment on the electric eats so they might not be a great buy if you can' use the electrical adjustment.
  4. I like the look of the baby Alfa. Looks cool. That particular one doesn't do it for me though. Coloured tyres..... I remember they tried that before and it failed miserably!
  5. I was wondering if the local Scout Hut know you stole their carpet? It is their logo on it isn't it???????
  6. Stan, hen I joined the company I'm with the training school was in the south east in a town called Pau. Fantastic place. It's at the base of the Pyrenees which is stunning. You are close to Toulouse, Biaritz etc. Also you can pop to Spain very easily to visit San Sebastian etc. I also spent half of last year working there. Some great roads and lots of historic sites about. I said to Jayne I'd ove to take the Zed all along the south of France including this region. It's a little different to the norm too.
  7. Ha ha! I'm guessing you've never gone for a drive round Aberdeenshire then.
  8. Thanks. Well the day passed with no recognition in the office. We are pretty busy and my boss didn't even have time to take me out for lunch. Shocking!
  9. Oh I seem to remember some pipes and fittinfs when doing my plenum......
  10. cheers guys. Not much booze for me tonight as I'll be up at 5 tomorrow to go to the office again!
  11. It could work nicely if a bumper tuck is done and the pipes are lined up so the 'extra' pipes are inside of the position of the originals.
  12. I can't imagine what it's like seeing your Dad like that Andrew. I'm sure that your Dad is your hero. I know mine is. It must be unbelievably difficult to see it happening. However, think how far he's come in the last few weeks? I'm sure day by day, week by week then month by month you'll see improvements. It's going to be a huge lifestyle change for you all but count yourself lucky that he's here. I'm sure with the medical attention and family support that he can make as full a recovery as his body will allow. Best of luck on the long road ahead, just remember that there are a lot of people here to offer support. We might not understand what you're going through but we can sympathise.
  13. I don't think there is coolant pumped around it. There could be some kind of electrical heating. On the side of the throttle body there is what looks like a heatsink however I assumed this was to disipate head away from it. Maybe someone that knows can shed some light on it.
  14. I saw a pile of embarrassing stan pics at the weekend! :lol:
  15. Ha ha! Never let stan loose with your drivers license! Yep, I was a wee loon there! Thats it, the pic of you with the cut of jeans is going up!
  16. Now thats a good looking chap.
  17. Does sound like a good compromise. Be a trend setter!
  18. Oi Colin! I don't look a day over 33!
  19. Cheers folks, this is brightening up my day!
  20. Come on Lee Evens, there are some pics missing! Stan couldn't keep up with my multi drinking talents at the weekend! See the first pic, I can drink so quick that my hand is a blur!
  21. Stew


    Well I believe the order books open this month. I'm certainly not ordering one. I think my bank manager would take away my house if I did!
  22. I'm a bit of a Jag fan. That's pretty cool.
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