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Everything posted by Stew

  1. And for the record, my reverse parking is excellent....... Stew will testify to that Will I????? I mean.... I will!
  2. Nice strut Tim, I'd have had it from you if I didn't have a kinetex plenum too!
  3. Well I had an afternoon but I knew I would buy one before leaving the car park! Still, you need to be sure! Same in the s2k but it took me an hour or two to realise it wasn't for me!
  4. We did! Ian had all the good stuff! Feel free to do it again but keep it tasteful...... And on topic, You doing a guide Ian?
  5. Z bages are a doddle to change. Heat up original badge with a hairdryer and use dental floss to remove the glue. It's a nice subtle mod. I haven't done anything to speak of in the interior. I have silver vent trims (was nissan option) a silver gearknob and a gearshift gaiter with dual orange stiching that matches the seats. I think thats all.
  6. You have to wonder where it'll end....
  7. It's really tough but at least by shutting they are keeping people employed.
  8. Thats some clearout Tim!
  9. Stew

    Finichi Alloys

    Andy at kudos I saw these wheels in black at the hoon and they look ace!
  10. 1 of each colour! Oh and blade is probably the easiest colour to mach up - it goes with anything!
  11. Well the owner will probably be delighted that the car is clean!
  12. Very nice. I really like the 159 actually. My sister called me yesterday and asked me to clean her Qashqai. It's interior was in a very similar state. It went back spotless..... I think she said thanks.
  13. Ahhh P1800. Lovely car. You could slap a Ferrari badge on it and nobody would doubt you! Beautiful motor. I love a lot of classics.
  14. Stew

    Silly little mod

    You gone red or black?
  15. 1. Stew+1 2. Martinmac+1 3. Stan+1 4. xstric9x+1 5. Ebized +1 6. Beavis +1 7. Tilly +1 8. AK350Z(Scratchy) +1 9. Adam (Arphotographs) (the man with the cam) +1 10. Zmanalex +1 11. Maccaman 12. Squarehead +1 13. Darren-b +1 14. Lexx +1 15. malross +? 16. Chris`I +1 (+1 is the woman with the cam - give you a good run for your money Adam Razz ) 17. H5 +1 18. Cara + Doug S 19. Chesterfield +1 20.Paul T 21. T2 22. G18FAN 23. Jay (hopefully wont be getting abused on the rigs)
  16. Not for me. I like matt motorbikes though. Especially the matt white aprillia RSVRs!
  17. Nope! Out on the bike a lot this year I hope.
  18. Your welcome Lee. Glad we could assist with the problem! That's what the forum is all about!
  19. Stew

    Silly little mod

    And Jay managed to keep me amused at work during the process! I like the black strut, looks good.
  20. Oh man! That is bad heatring him at it! When my folks bought a new house when I was 15 or 16 they took the room furthest away from the others. I'm not sure if it was for their benefit or ours! I moved out quite young... 20 I packed my bags and moved off to Siberia. Bought my house at 21, got the keys and moved in on my 22nd Birthday. Never asked mum to do cleaning or washing since either!
  21. 1. Stew+1 2. Martinmac+1 3. Stan+1 4. xstric9x+1 5. Ebized +1 6. Beavis +1 7. Tilly +1 8. AK350Z(Scratchy) +1 9. Adam (Arphotographs) (the man with the cam) +1 10. Zmanalex +1 11. Maccaman 12. Squarehead +1 13. Darren-b +1 14. Lexx +1 15. malross +? 16. Chris`I +1 (+1 is the woman with the cam - give you a good run for your money Adam Razz ) 17. H5 +1 18. Cara + Doug S 19. Chesterfield +1 20.Paul T 21. T2 22. G18FAN Keep the chatter to the discussion thread please..... Not that I'm ever guilty of going OT..... It just makes it easier for people to see the names. Thats why we have two topics! Thanks very much!
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