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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Sure as it's a member a nice deal could be done.
  2. My Dads Range Rover has a TV in it. It's the same as standard BMW items so it can only work when it's in Neutral or the engine is off or something. Anyway, not great really!
  3. Myself, JAyne, Doug S and Cara went over the lecht and were going to go back for **** Bridge. Shame there is only one sign! Think the other one was nicked. You get Lost too which is always good for a piccie too!
  4. I think it looks quite good. Would be better if it was brushed like the handles but it'll match the grill etc.
  5. Happy New Year Ho. Reminds me, my collegue ZiQi went home for new year so I'll have to send him an email!
  6. Stew

    What a month

    I never lie! She never asks me. She knows how much most of my detailing stuff is but doesn't complain as long as she has a clean car! However I earn the money so waste... sorry spend it as I want!
  7. I think there is scope for this Cara. Pleny owners in the 'deen!
  8. +1 How cool would kuro lights witha red reflector look on your car Ian!
  9. Do they look more old school or is it just me?
  10. Well that looks like a grand way to pass a sunday afternoon! Good vid Frank!
  11. Or will I say I stopped for cocktails on the beach....
  12. Oops. Forgot to do anything since Friday! I think I'd have been doing ok if I'd actually checked it!
  13. I think it looks ok. I'd like to see a full side pic too. It's original and doesn't look out of place on a GT car!
  14. Ka is ace. Wheel at each corner and total chuckability!
  15. Many in the same boat. One of the management at work just traded his 3,2 DSG TT which was mint in for an A6 Avant. I can't remember the age ashe runs a private plate but was offed 6k for it against a 35k ag XF and Landrover. Audi offered 8k as he was a repeat customer. It's shocking!
  16. I loved the idea but it's not as orange as I'd hoped. Looks more peach to me. If it had been the ame colour as my bike then it would hae been on my driveway now!
  17. Cool. Nice car and lots of effort and $$ have obviously gone into that! to the forum and I hope people pull out the stops to set up a meet for you.
  18. Stew

    What a month

    Great tactic and good effort on the mods!
  19. Try a search. Most popular are JWT popcharger and K&N Typhoon. This thread was last replied to over 2 years ago!
  20. I headed for the crowds..... Looks like I was right! Ah well, just need to remember to check it!
  21. I don't even know what I'm doing of which way I'm meant to go!
  22. Registered. No idea what I'm doing.... Boat name is Sinking With Style and I think that's what I'll probably do!
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