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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Nothing wrong with dykes..... :lol: Or skanks..... just never marry one!
  2. Lack of sleep? When I was at the top of my offshore game I used to go my 12 hour shift, 2 - 3 hours paperwork and get up for any problems. I never complained about it. Some of the hands get a rough deal but in the North Sea they CAN'T complain if you stop the job for sleep. You find most are silly though and stay up all day when they know they have a lot of work in the nigh. Then it's their own fault. Sleep management is key for service hands. I would have beaten my crew up and thrown them either through the rotary table or over the side if they'd complained after staying up! I've been shafted abroad before though. 72 hours straight standing over a well is NOT good!
  3. No use! I used to work in the forties a lot. It was worse!
  4. It is sad. I have some lynard sknard on my ipod. Suprising the amount of their music used in film. Freebird was in Forrest Gump I think as an example.
  5. Nope! And cheeky! I only look after it when it's going these days! I only ever blew up one completion on the South in my field service days!
  6. Could make for marvellous drives out with tea and scones at the falls of feugh though....
  7. Many have had a 12V power supply wired into the cubby too.
  8. Do you do motorbikes too? My bike insurance is due for renewal in April..... My cars are not due till August though!
  9. Nice. You offshore just now? I'm on shift. Was on the phone to your platform last night actually.....
  10. Stew

    Richard Eggar

    Is it them that advertise in Evo with a pic of a mkII escort? I must admit the pic grabbed my attention!
  11. I'm sure there was something on the telly about it being a myth that is is too cold to snow. After all, if that were true it would never snow at the Arctic/Antarctic! It doesn't really up North. Never been in the Antarctic so can't comment about there.
  12. 350z shooting brake. Did it to Astons for years!
  13. I await Sarnies retort! I honestly can't think of a reply to my comment....
  14. Jayne likes this doofus.... Looks just like me....... :lol::lol:
  15. I agree Cara! Us posh Aberdonians have to stick together..... ab350z can join our club too! :lol:
  16. You ever read the book 'Don't tell Mum I work on the Rigs, she thinks I'm a piano player in a whorehose? It's kind of a more entertaining and (I think slightly truth stretching) version of the last 6 years of my life! Anyway, the funniest one was when I get arrested in Moscow trying to fly to Usinsk in the Arctic. I was dropped off at the airport by the driver early. Went for a couple of bottles of Baltika. I got in line when I got approached by two armed police. They asked to check my passport. I obliged. They did the whole tut tut shaky head thing and alarm bells started to ring..... My passport had a problem. The Visa stamps were 'No good' I believe that was all the guys could say in English. I followed them to the station. I was sat down in a cell for a 10 mins. The 'chief' came out. Spoke no English...... I asked (in russian) for them to call my office in Taganskaya Moscow and speak to the travel administrator. This fell on deaf ears. Back in the cell. Called the chief over and asked him (again in Russian) how much he wanted to let me go. If in doubt bribe your way out was my moto! So he sits me down outside the cell and points his big automatic weapon at me. And writes $100 on it. I say no and write $50 on it..... In hindsight I think when you bribe the police you maybe shouldn't barter with them. He stands up picks up his gun and gestures to the cells. I stood up took a $100 bill out my pocket and walked out after saying 'nice to do business with you' in russian however I think I actually said 'nice to job with you... kind of killed the cool moment really!
  17. August 08! http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15566 Sorry. Some cracking pics though! Now try harder, top marks for effort though!
  18. My dad said that. The wage bill for his local employees (well indians...) has shot up! Unlucky for the expats!
  19. Bend her over????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  20. Normally my flights on planes have been good. Been arrested a couple of times at airports but the flights have been good!
  21. Cheers! If I find myslef hankering for something I'll maybe buy some. Rich from PB gave me an ace glazing pad to try out (I think they are on his site now) which should give a good finish with my black fire paint protection!
  22. Oh and flown in a 4 seat chopper over half of siberia where the pilots were smoking including when they were refueling. We then stopped to pick up two of his mates who were fishing.... the chopper wouldn't lift as it was overloaded. So he drove halfway accross a field to work up momentum to lift..... It was the scariest flight of my life! That includes the one when there were nop seats and I just propped myself up against the internal jet fuel tank! I have pics of that somewhere on my PC actually!
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