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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew


    My Lexus came with one key from the dealer. (I think they guy had that owned it before me probably had the others in his house. They guy that bought it off me called me about a year later asking if there were spares as his wife lost the key and now were told they need a new ECU and £2k or something!
  2. The answers are superb. The questions....
  3. Take the parking ticket you got the other day. Put it on and instead of a fine say they have to register here.
  4. Stew


    Be good to hear it when the engine is loaded... and out doors. Lovine that Zed though!
  5. We'll sort something out. I'm away to change rota. Maybe try for March, weather will be better etc. I'll still have on the winter boots though!
  6. Does that mean if she was fit .............? Hell yeah and pics would be taken for me.
  7. Stew


    Azure is a nightmare..... Nissan never got it right from the factory either.
  8. Hopefully they'll have it sorted for the UK deliveries Alex.....
  9. So can I but it's an ace piece of kit.
  10. Love it! I am Stewie according to some...... In name only , I have a great Peter inspired figure! How come nobody has mentioned the songs? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FZxwHRzrpGo&feature=related http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=fwGP9DAAi4A&feature=related I love this one too... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DL830BUgNfo
  11. I've been told I sound american by foreigners. Well Chris us Westhill boys are very posh! :lol:
  12. Fit like min? Nice motors. Where in the shire do you reside?
  13. Stew

    Kahn RS-X

    Lovely wheels but not on the Zed.
  14. I stopped...... Don't know why. Think I was stopped all day.... I'm on the move now!
  15. Generally things are more expensive to buy over here. With the exchange rate going bad (for us importing) it's probably gotton much cheaper for you guys though with the USD in your pocket. Depends what you are looking at though! This country is in a recession at the moment so look carefully to place yourself where you can get a job that is suitable for you. The most popular car sites over here are http://www.autotrader.co.uk/ for all cars and http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/ which is good for most cars but more performance cars etc on there.
  16. Well London is a fantastic city and you'd be kept busy there for sure! Glasgow is a little nearer to me. Prefer Edinburgh though! I'm a little further North and live very close to Aberdeen, lots of expatriates here due to the oil business. To be honest wherever you are in the UK is easy enough to get to Europe either by flying or driving and catching a ferry.
  17. Welcome to the club Casi. So where in the UK are you fancying and eh.... why?????? Nice Zed you got there. You'll have to check out zchickz (if you aren't on it already) too.
  18. http://www.actioncameras.co.uk/product.php?productid=16323&cat=283&page=1&gclid=CMD_rteftZgCFQsyQgodbBSaUg Caterham R400 GT-R What an ace piece of kit. Saw an ad in EVO for it so thought I'd check it out on the net![/url]
  19. Well you clicked on it! :lol::lol: You love it anyway!
  20. Just doing my expenses and have a receipt for a good lunch in the 'Dam for 21 Euro. That was a good feed with a beer too!
  21. :welcome : Your Zed won't have that bonnet. That's from the 07-> model. The rest will be about right once you get the rest of the Nismo bits done! Worth sticking up a post in the intro section too!
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