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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I got mine from Envy. They aren't cheap though.....
  2. Ace! Not you're standing goo gooing over the Zed. Like Father like Daughter!
  3. :yahoo: Great stuff Stevie! Glad you aren't going anywhere!
  4. Here, schoolie, schoolie, schoolie!
  5. Spot on call, the NISMO's are made by RAYS and therefore much superior quality then the std GT4 wheel and although 19's probably still a lot lighter then the std items, but the key point is to fill those arches.. Nice motor by the way... Are the GT4 ltd edition wheels not made by RAYS?
  6. I did that to Fiddy, although I use a different style of bonnet strut.
  7. That's my point. For £300 you can get a decent swiss made watch. I wouldn't spend that money on that.
  8. What were you expecting results wise?
  9. Maybe posting the dyno curves would help. by the way.
  10. Still £300 almost. I mean, I have a few good watches and the one I wear daily is expensive. I wouldn't drop that money on that watch though.
  11. Testosterone and Growth Hormone??? you only live once!!! Two types of growth hormones bud, the natural one which re-stimulates the hormone you are naturally born with which normally slows down in producing around 21-24 years of age and is from natural herbs, these simply kick start it again or you have the HGH, human growth hormone, which is the crazy one and one I would not advise which is simply excessive amounts normally derived from other animals and this causes over time possible feature changes, jaw lines and foreheads and other bones start to grow out of proportion, you end up looking like a freak and proned to Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease CJD. the two are very very different. Testosterone tablets again is normally from natural herbs which speeds up your aggression levels thus increasing strength and endurance without many of the nasty side effects you get from chemically enhanced drugs like steroids. Except with testosterone enhancers you are likely to speed up baldness and suffer from acne like a teenager does when going through phases of adulthood. Best way, stick with all natural base stuff, only thing I touch is protein and omega oils, it got me into Mens Health magazine in 2004, so it cant be bad staying natural and feel healthy. To many people I know go down the quick route of steroids and HGH and have regretted it. If you are a bodybuilder fair enough, but if you are doing it for the ladies.... its very rare to find a lady who wants a big muscle bound vein popping steroid head with a bad attitude You are so right Jay! I have a mate who takes roids and hes massive, but he only does it because hes insecure and he tells everyone hes not taking them but everyone knows he is, he thinks looking massive will get him more girls and to be fair he gets alot of attention but he never has a girlfriend because only a few girls like really big guys! Don't they make your emmmmmm love sword..... shrink? Or is it urban myth? The girls like muscles but I'm sure they don't want well you all know what I mean so I'll stop.
  12. blocked fuel filter was something else that sprung to mind. It's bound to be a sensor or something though!
  13. I have nothing on the front.......
  14. Fuel pump? No sure Mike. Maybe a mechanical expert will have an idea!
  15. Stew

    car mats

    Remember if you order from the US they'll be for LHD..... I haven't seen the ones you speak of however there are other custom ones available. Have a scan on the net for a good custom mat company and they might be able to make it up to you. by the way!
  16. I'm domesticated. I never leave the seat up! I'm not the best at knowing when cleaning needs to be done but I do it well! Oh and that toothbrush is about £160 quid or something. Jayne pointed it out to me..... I told her she can buy it if she wants it!
  17. I'll give you a snikers bar if it is!
  18. Ok grab bag of minstrels and a grab bag of maltesers. We are talking a lot of chocolate for an old car you don't use...... Sounds like a deal to me!
  19. Shame there is about 3 times the amount of snow lying now! Not Zed weather!
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