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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I don't know really. Just didn't find it THAT comfortable, It was quick but was FWD (and I'm not a fan) and wasn't good off the turbo. Loved the orange paint though! I just didn't get on with it. Went out with a work mate that had one and it was decent, seemed to go much better and be more comfortable as a passenger. That is all my own opinion and I'm no road tester. You know what they say though, ones mans trash is another mans treasure!
  2. To be fair I need mine renewed as I now look nothing like it (cue stan to post up my license pic again! ) :lol:
  3. emmmmmmmm :lol: I have plenty with the summer wheels on though!
  4. I was wondering where that was going...... :lol:
  5. A very bold claim when you consider what other cars are claased as GTs. Maybe the best GT under £40k or even 50k but best of all????? your right stew. lets say in terms of value for money. I think the 350Z fits that bill just now and I hope the 370Z continues in the same way. Oh and I don't think anyone will argue that the Zed is great value for money.
  6. A very bold claim when you consider what other cars are claased as GTs. Maybe the best GT under £40k or even 50k but best of all?????
  7. my thoughts exactly!!!!! more of the one on the right NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nurrish pics long legs over big boobs shocker!
  8. Great car to be a passenger in.... didn't enjoy driving it!
  9. I can take pics in my office but I'd make sure you couldn't see any of the client data on the monstrous screens! :lol:
  10. :lol: That's almost worth a basil brush 'boom boom!'
  11. Stew

    L3 / P3????

    I think this bit might make a good sticky along with the service schedule.
  12. Stew

    Shiney bits

    Did he buy the Zorst though. He was 'looking' at it...... The strut brace arrived. I'm sure we will have confirmation soon....
  13. The manuals will have to info you need. http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/Service
  14. Stew

    Shiney bits

    I don't think a strutbrace will make much difference in a tunnel dude......
  15. Oh and obviously I'll still plan the run if you want. Either that or I'll plan the one for say 28th and I'll chuck in a few extras..... And probably give you milage that is complete crap too! Or we could do an april meet after......
  16. I'm working 21st too! The week after I'm free though.... 28th is good for me.
  17. There is a 2k6 GM in my car park right now. I did comment to the owner that it's good to have some quality metal in the car park for a change!
  18. Too true, this was one of my favourites… http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... sc&start=0 Shame Andy....... I won't go into it....... He doesn't work there now.....
  19. But I guess we could put something in our public comments thing....
  20. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18667&highlight=megane Worth a try....
  21. Can't see a way to do it......
  22. Not sure Chris. Would need a remap for sure. With a piggy map with multiple maps maybe it'd make some difference. I certainly would not be paying £2.42 a litre though!
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