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Everything posted by Stew

  1. That's cruel. A spray with water (not while on the bonnet) is the best course of action. I assume you were joking though.....
  2. Looks like it's still aligned.... Not good Ross. Open yir een ya numpty hoor!
  3. So it looks like when i order my springs i need spacers aswell OK so do i go for the 25mm rear and 20mm fronts or 25 25 both sets ?? AND when i upgrade to 19's will the wheels then poke out to much ?? Advice needed chaps, Thanks Well if you upgrade you can get the best (read correct) offset so can remove the spacers and sell them on. 20/25 looks good I think. I'd order what Adrian K did as his looked great! CS will advise
  4. Got plenty of carbon bits bud allways welcome to pop over see them in the flesh as your local, O and if you want to come Miss Banzai get your name down bud Do you get to see 'the' carpet too Mark?
  5. 200 -300 for a refurb in my opinion.
  6. I went for after James as it might as well be gleaming for attending static shows! No point it being chipped for them mate!
  7. I like it when people take pics on their mobile. I get a lot of nice comments from the kids out and about and big kids too! People do seem to like the car.
  8. This is like watching neighbours! Or is a cliffhanger as or doesn't finish a sentence! or not? or oh my god your brother is really your father? or I'll swap my kangaroo for your koala? or the world will end? Which is it????? I'm hanging on here!
  9. Stew

    350Z prices

    The thing is, an 04 Zed with 40k was still worth 14k 6 months ago easy.... Check out the history on the residuals in the Zed. They were one of the top 5 cars for second hand values since release. They started to fall as when you pay £90+ to fill it and it does 300 miles to a tank it gets expensive..... People start to sell. Then this recession hit properly and ALL desirable cars fell. Look at an £80 - £90k Cayenne Turbo. You keep going and try to buy a 350Z for what YOU think it's worth. You might get lucky......
  10. That's really nice. What a transformation in 7 hours Paul.
  11. I'm glad (for his sake) that he looks like his Mum! :lol: He's a bonnie wee lad that Louie Stewart Thomas..... Well done Daddy. Now you just need to put an empty beer bottle in with him in the pic and you've got a cracking chip off the old block!
  12. Oooooh! Tim will be bidding on it in no time!
  13. Cherries you say...... mmmmmmm, I like my detailing gear to smell nice. Bilberry wheel cleaner, yum! I'm still working my way through a gallon of shampoo plus that I use for cleaning and foaming. It last forever!
  14. I was pleased, I got my address changed, an entitlement added and points removed and they didn't chanrge me. They normally charge to 'wash' your license. Not if you get a change of address though. Shame it comes back with the same renewal date though.
  15. I think it'd look odd...... It'd be lop sided.
  16. I'll try and get some....... I will say this though. It NEEDS spoacers! I'm not sure if it's because I have it kitted but the Rays looks llost in the arches! I'm working all daylight hours just now but I'll try and take the car to work tomorrow and maybe sneak out for a couple of pics......
  17. The guy at work sold his for the same reason.
  18. That is actually very reasonable for a two piece disc though. I thought it would have been much more that that to be honest!
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