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Everything posted by Stew

  1. No, I'm a girl - buy first, think later! I've done a quick search on google and found a relatively extensive list of prohibited/questionable items but can't see any reference to HFCs. Seems like most stuff inc various weapons can go in the checked in luggage. I'll declare it to the people on the luggage desk and they can check them if they want. Must remember to have the dirty knickers bag in the other case silver tabbies it's ok Vik. I was starting to get paranoid in case there's various 'hot words' in this thread that might attract the attention of the US secret service. And thanks to your input I'm sure of it now S. I've hand carried oil field equipment many times on planes (mostly had to check it though) including electronic panels, gauges, funny looking specialist tools and other very dodgy looking stuff including stuff for a TCP perforated well (covered in explosives residue) and had no issues.
  2. Not heard of a Cesna Citation ? +1 http://www.cessna.com/citation.html Fair play...... Comparable to a Lear jet though I'd have thought as opposed to a 152.....
  3. Didn't waste my time, I was referring to Zugura!
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Grumpy bugger syndrome! Coupled with 'have to click on this even though I know I will complain about it being a waste of time' syndrome....... To be honest I'm generally a happy person (apart from the odd sulk) and tend just to get on with things. I believe there are two answers to the question 'How are you?' the first is 'fine.' and the second is 'sh*te. Thanks for asking.' No more details required!
  5. Dereks was a 56. But same as his!
  6. Stew

    Wheel nuts

    Can't beat a few layers of well stretched scotch tape round a socket to save wheels getting scratched!
  7. Oooooooft. Sore one!
  8. Alex could give you realistic costs I'm sure.
  9. Generally after a hand polish it looks a million times better therefore making everyone happier again!
  10. Wash like normal. Give it a polish. Then have a more serious look.
  11. It'll be quicker all in all. Go with him. Do some shopping or something and make sure he spoils you.
  12. Am I the only one that's disappointed not to be seeing kittens / cat pictures????
  13. I've herd them all before. Better scuttle off to get some moo material. You've milked all your current stuff guys.
  14. Grey and brown can work..... I prefer black with grey though personally. I often wear navy and brown though. I prefer black shoes though as I normally have killer shirt and tie combos so mixed with 'exciting' shoes it's just too much. Oh and it's in August so grow a pair and think about it the day before like a real man!
  15. The Shogun Sport is very good value. Looked at a couple myself.
  16. Storm horse........ She is pretty much this forums own Samantha brick.
  17. I had mice that came in off the golf course next to my house that ate 20kg of cat food!!!!
  18. I have caught many a mouse (not in my house but at a couple of places of work and in my garage) and a trap with chocolate is the best idea.
  19. Nobody questioned the fact a guy in an F150 seemed to be passing slower cars though..... Evo used to take their Navara on trackdays!
  20. I know quite a few goat sh@ggers. Not something that I'm interested in joining but they do a lot of good work for charity and I really respect that.
  21. Stew

    Want a Delorean?

    The cossie value is rising now. They have gained money (as have more recent escorts) in the past few years.
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