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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Probably went something like Girls - hey min, 'ats a smert motor like. fit is et? Chris - Nissan 350Z Girls - Ma Ma un Da huv a micra. Nissun da mak cars like at Chris - Yes they do. It's a Nissan Girls - Hey min ya bam, ats nae a nissan! I'm stopping now. Aberdeen minks depress me. Torry quines are nae good! Chris being a classy Westhillian spoke properly of course!
  2. Happens all the time to me. You just have to get on with it. It the car is ncely protected then a quick rinse with the hose and a spot of quick detailer will sort it out.
  3. I don't see what pleasue these idiots (polite term) can get from causing damage to peoples cars.....
  4. Louis, the only thing gayer than driving a fiat 500 is giving it a name..... For that name to have a meaning...... I like the Fiat 500.... don't tell the rest of the them!
  5. You can shove those Imprezas where the sun don't shine! I love Integrales. I think I should be too young to love these...... but I do! :teeth:
  6. Oh if I was at work I'd be having fun with this dude.......
  7. I might get a pic done for my kitchen. Been looking for something for a year! Not easy to get a pic to match a gloss red and black!
  8. Looking great Mike. Very impressive results.
  9. At that money you can get some pretty good cars. Personally I'd go with something like a focus. There are loads of cool little cars. Does a Yaris come into that price range?
  10. Not for me but don't let it stop you if that's what you want to do!
  11. Most of the time the boats I've spend time on have looks like this: or
  12. I'd use heatshrink if it were me. Slip it over, give it a heat and trim it down. Very easy to remove at a later date too.
  13. The tanfastic guys names will be getting removed from the wales list after seeing the slagging off they'd get.......
  14. They should be able to tell you which one. I had a sensor go. reset it and it never came back. did it all witht the pedals too.
  15. I think the term used Stew is "A pressed fruit bowl" And Colin i am not worried about the skirt lifting its the shirt lifting i am worried about Exactly what I was thinking! I'll keep my Kilt firmly down though.......
  16. Like the plate. Ahhhhhhh, nice to see a car thats depreciation recently is worse than a Zeds!
  17. Seems fair. When my Dads brother was on his honeymoon he put fish in his vent inlets. In the end he had to sell the car! :lol: That was his wedding pressie to him.
  18. I'm waiting for one of Zedrushs famous film reviews!
  19. I guess this is like computer geek 0-60s? That seems quick to me but then I know nothing!
  20. JDM were the best price for these. Guess the Yen has had a major impact.
  21. What...... I've pulled over for vans and people carriers in the highlands. With young kids in? Ridiculous!
  22. A g35 too. Emmmm, whats with the solstices? Horrible cars. The 430 look bumpers are pretty rubbish too.....
  23. That's ok. Doug S is at home. We could have a wee meet one day and a yap. It can be in somewhere secret so no one sees the car..... :lol:
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