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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Simon did a Haltech - I guess he told you! So we are lucky there is someone that can get them to work up here!
  2. +2 Has potential at that money though..... If it was cheap would make a mean track warrior!
  3. Very difficult to answer Matt. Like asking what's the best way to take coffee (strong and black ) as everyone has personal taste on looks / brands and short or long ram etc. They all offer a nice throaty growl when fitted. I've had a JWT popcharger (short ram with heatshield) fitted and an Injen CAI (long ram) and can honestly say I couldn't tell the difference. I do have a modified plenum and true dual exhaust so can barely hear the difference either! Just pick a decent kit that you like the look of.....
  4. I've seen bikers use them..... I have no idea on their purpose!
  5. i4 is excellent. Matt will look after you. Ask his advice. I just suggested something widely available and inexpensive. If you are ordering from i4 they might have something better. Hope you like bubblegum!
  6. Glad to hear it! You need to have to big daddy being a pro! In all honesty they measure bubblepoint of fluid from oil wells though so wasn't entirely inaccurate....
  7. Run your finger nail oner it. If it catches then it's deep! SRP is worth a try. It's not expensive and will give you a good chance of improving it.
  8. Does your finger nail catch in it? To be honest the best thing to try (that is easily available) would be Autoglym Super Resin Polish as it has fillers in it. Worth a go!
  9. I live near a High School and a Primary. There are loads of 4x4s came to pick kids up at the primary school. My sister is one of them! However I must say the parking is very good as the school itself has taken action to ensure it is buy issuing notes to parents and getting double yellows painted. Nothing at the high school as there isn't the same problem.
  10. Looks like Jacko in the first couple of pics??? I'd be interested to hear his thoughts compared to the TT quick cut and blow dry edition or whatever it's called....... :lol: The back end is hideous in pics. Looks like a cheapo chinese knock off design car or something. I need to see one in the flesh.
  11. Everything was removed Mart. There is a tube thing which was removed and then was put back on before popping it back on.
  12. I have just been discussing this with Jay. Ideally I'd like to have V6 3.5 and the kinetix on the plenum in silver. I don't have the skill to mask it off that well so just didn't try!
  13. Not sure if it's the same shade... it is red though! It's Nissan 526 from Halfords. It is a nice bright red.
  14. Were you the last car? I know when out on motorbikes riding in a group the guy at the front can be averaging 60 and the guy at the back is riding harder and averaging 80 to keep up. Sounds odd but it's true especially if there is traffic.
  15. Clarkson was also the guy that said to put a speed camera in front of every school in the uk which I think is a great idea.
  16. Wales is the best place to really appreciate the club.
  17. Mine is a 599..... 100bhp (+ depending where you get the figures) though so not bad.
  18. I think that might be a member on here.......
  19. Have you seen the perfect A team van replica.... I want it!
  20. Very nice. Like the sweat bands on the fluid tanks!
  21. Ok, had a few requests for engine bay pics after I did a bit of painting. Items done: Battery cover (red) Brake fluid cover (red) Engine cover (red -zed badge will be added next week) power steering cap (red) coolant cap (red) screenwash cap (red) Strut brace (black with red ends) Engine oil dipstick (black with red end) Still working on a few bits and bobs (bolts, throttle body needs a bit of a polish and a few other bits...) I must confess Jay was my inspiration. edit - It's not a show engine so nobody will ever see it!
  22. +1. I'd check that the sizes are correct. Also ran bridgestones on the front with Toyos on the rear and had no problems. Too right. Check tyre size, condition and make sure the pressures are correct. From then I'd replace I'm afraid.
  23. back..... Sounds like a nightmare. Hope it's all sorted soon! Oh and I agree with Mike!
  24. Good one on right now.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XddUqO97FJ0 And the band are from Aberdeen......
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