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Everything posted by Stew

  1. WHAT?????? I run mine about 35psi. Seems to be ok.
  2. Loads of blacks available. Take a walk through town and check out the different paints available. Have a look at bike paint too as it's usually nicer than car paint. Do you want a solid black or a metallic black?
  3. Looking good. I must admit that foaming reaaly changed my wash regime. My Mum and sister like it too as they often drop their cars off to be cleaned at my house.....
  4. Jay had his filled too. Not sure on the method.
  5. ZMANALEX might be the man to speak too.
  6. Stew

    My New Lip

    You know what... You're looks better the more I see the pics! The lip looks superb.
  7. I'd have to disagree, Mart. I don't know anyone, however careful, who has got a set of Volks sucessfully through a UK winter - without locking the car in the garage for 4 months of course! Me Infact 2 winters now Got mine from Envy but had a 5 month wait for them You never drive it though! 8000 miles in the last 2 & half years And how much of that has been in the crap weather with salt etc on the road? I don't drive mine when it's like that and my wheels get tucked up in the garage! In fact I have one in my living room.....
  8. Kyle. The VQ is a solid engine with very little problems. The only ones I've known to go pop have had FI fitted and been 'enthusiastically' tuned.
  9. Tardis is good stuff. Just make sure and rinse it off thoroughly.
  10. I never noticed when I was out drivng it, but you tend to not with the low profiles. Will check it out though Stoo I had a problem with the tyres on my 20s not sealing properly. You don't want to know what the pressure was when I arrived in Wales for the big one last year..... It does tend to get low before you notice.
  11. I'd have to disagree, Mart. I don't know anyone, however careful, who has got a set of Volks sucessfully through a UK winter - without locking the car in the garage for 4 months of course! Me Infact 2 winters now Got mine from Envy but had a 5 month wait for them You never drive it though!
  12. You can swirl it in photoshop if you want.
  13. Looking good stan! Oh and Lucy of the blackfired up GM!
  14. Maybe an idea to put up some more info on this... Prices, what else you did and maybe a link to a website. Sounds like something others would be interested in.
  15. Oh by the way, who the hell voted Labour anyway?
  16. I don't think race or religion has anything to do with it to be honest. Extremists should be tried and then deported, there is no place for this in the UK. Foreign Nationals that get convicted of a crime should be deported, why should we have to put up with people entering our country then committing crimes? Laws for entering the UK should be tightened. I believe that there IS a need (and a place) for foreign nationals coming into the UK, working and contributing via tax and national insurance. We do not need people coming here to sit on the dole. I'll stop there..... The government really need to start listening to the people they represent or at the next election we may well see an influx of BNP MPs..... This isn't something I want to see happen to the country.
  17. Welcome. I was 23 when I bought my 350Z. I've never looked back!
  18. It's a postcode lottery! I never noticed my car insurance drop much turning 25 but my motorbike insurance halved. Saying that I just turned 26 and pay less than a grand for my 350z, Freelander and ZX-6R combined! As I said, postcode lottery!
  19. Ideal for putting the two sets of golf clubs in the boot too!
  20. Cheers. Might be a nice addition to the detailing supplies boxes....
  21. To be honest it's something I think nearly all regulars would buy!
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