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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Aye, another Aberdonian! Stew, dont suppose you were going down Mugiemoss Road at around 5pm today? It was a 2004 silver zed with 19/20" rims and an awesome sounding exhaust. I need to find this driver so I can find out exhaust it was as I want one badly! I will of course be posting in the Spotted forum to trace this guy down! Thanks to everyone else for the warm welcome! Nope. My zed is azure. I'm more often spotted in my Navara though!
  2. Depends what you like! Something BL and rimmer bros will keep stock so makes life easy. But anything really.
  3. How about a classic? Something that isn't sought after so is cheap but might need work to be roadworthy. They are normally simple, bits can be plentiful and it could be interesting....
  4. I saw the title and guessed it would be an aberdonian! It is indeed a beauty of a car you've got yourself and your in good company with quite a few bikers here too.
  5. There aren't really any reasonably solid cheap minis left unfortunately.
  6. Stew

    New Seats

    I always did like those seats! The grey and black go well with azure.
  7. False alarm! No zedley adventures yet.
  8. I'm not in that industry however unless you are going to use the training straight away it'll just be a line on your CV. Technology moves quickly. Very quickly!
  9. I think poor Zedley is sitting at the post office collection centre..... If it is indded him then he will be picked up tomorrow and we'll waste no time in starting our adventures.
  10. Oh no, not another MPG thread!!!!!! I've seen between 8 and 32. 25 - 28 is normal though as I'm a sensible and defensive driver.
  11. Moved the topic. Insurance is a minefield.... Best to be honest. You could check with one of our approved insurers on the forum. You can also compare the meerkat until your heart is content. Just remember to keep the main and named drivers honest and true. You might be able to find someone to mirror your no claims. Otherwise depending on your daughters age / driving experience it might be better to move the NCB to the Zed.
  12. Why will it be bad offroad? Why will it lead to awful crashes?
  13. I have a small barrel BBQ for the back of my Navara. Tailgating parties rule!
  14. Looks good and will work well I bet. As Will says, it's better than the last production Lambo off roader..... Although it was cool in it's own right!
  15. Have a look at any of Keysers build threads....
  16. 350 bhp from a 1.8 is fine if done right! My last bike had about 120 bhp from 600cc and it was NA. Road bikes (with sensible service intervals) can have 200bhp per litre now and remain reliable. They are done properly though!
  17. You'll be waiting a while! Upping the sympathyometer to 20% as your sense of humour is still intact. So, have you showed off pics of your horses on here yet? Get them in the pet thread - in fact the whole pet thread will cheer you up! viewtopic.php?f=13&t=26230 Now, that's kind!
  18. I think in your state of pain we should take your mind off it by teaching you how to use the quote button! Toothache (and earache) is the worst so I guess I can offer 10% sympathy.....
  19. So if I ask you 'how are you?' The answer will be 'Sh1te, thanks for asking.' I'm at work today, have been since before 7am so I'm not handing out sympathy easily.
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