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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I have found that how well the dirt runs off is MUCH more dependant on what you have done before than the snowfoam. Get a really well polished/waxed car and the dirt will just fall off. Get a car that has not had a wax in a while and snowfoam does not really move it much (unless you have the luxury of a 60 degree pressure washer) As has been mentioned. Cleaning a car that has been properly cleaned, clar bared, polished and wax is sooo easy. Can be done in under 20 minutes and you car looks 90% again. My motorbike is testament to that. I went out for a 100 mile run yesterday afternoon. It was covered in bugs and a a bit of road grime. Sprayed it with an open ended hose (water only) and had a look. Nothing left on at all! Even my bike helmet has had sealant and wax.....
  2. Emmmmmm why would you want to have some techie crap implanted in your arm so you can start the car.....
  3. Modified cars are difficult to price accurately.
  4. Hi Guys. Hi Francis. My name is Chris I now own the 350z which I bought from Franics. As a 350z enthusiast I was sure to bump into this post. I would just like to clear a few things up as I dont like where this going. I am not akin to airing stuff on public forums, but I feel I must respond as the car and myself are getting the wrong attention. When I was looking for a Z , I came across this original post. It was months long. It was on at 15,500. We agreed a price, which I see you have advertised to the nation. I offered the car back to Francis for 16k. To anyone else I would have been looking for around 17,500. I believe the car to be worth much more than this. At the time I bought it from you, you knew you were stuck and had to sell it. I was in two minds about buying it as I was leaving the country in about 6 months time, but we agreed a price and I bought it. Franics you whole selling point to me was that "you will definetly make money on this when you sell it" so unfortunately you cant have it both ways. I feel you are trying to bring the car sale and myself into a bad light. With regards to more mileage I have put 1,800 miles on it in 5 months. The car has been pampered and look after no end! I had the front skirt removed strengthed and totally resprayed, due to a scuff and stone chips. The car is exactly as you left it mate. I dont think that 1,500 over the price is too high a price to pay to get back your much loved car. If the shoe was on the other foot I would have payed instantly if I had the cash. Please do not be making me out as a bad guy, I am far from it! If you had come back to me and said I cant raise 16k but I can raise x amount. I may well have comsidered it. But adamantly told me over the phone you could not raise the cash or even close to it When I called you to give you first refusal. I had some empathy for you over your situation, but now reading this I am not so sure. If you had a problem with the price you should have called me mate, instead of going on the forums giving me a bad rap. At the time you were more than glad I am came along and gave you the cash, as you were in dire straits. With regards to the pics and advert mate, you sent me all those pics when I bought the car. I think if I own the car, and you sent me the pics as a sales pitch at the time of my purchase. I should be entitled to use them for resale. You knew the car to be worth more than the sale price and you even used as part of your sales pitch. Listen guys I have dropped the price from £17,495 to offers over 16k. Again Francis dont run the car or me into the ground. Its a great car and worth much more than 16k as you well know it! I will say it again. If you want the car call me!! Otherwise mate, not be unkind you will have to let it go! If you want to call me to discuss please do. Over & Out Not a bad guy (Chris) Fair post Chris. Welcome to the forum, please don't think it's a bad place. You can ask what you like for the car bud. The final price you get will determine what it's market value is. It could be 'worth' 20k.... 25k even however the market value is a different thing altogether. Best of luck with the sale and I hope it stays on this forum.
  5. That's nice of her Chris. I'm in the office now looking after stuff so no more trips in the budgie for me!
  6. I'm sure I saw pics of your sisters on facebook..... Not that I was stalking you nic!
  7. Well I've been out for a couple of walks since the clocks changed trying to strengthen my knee. What I love about light evenings is going for a run on the bike and enjoying the weather. I love just after lambing season. My route to work is full of them. They are the type of thing that cheers you up instantly when you see them bounding about!
  8. I thought the song was class.....
  9. It's bloody scary. One of my colleagues is married to one on Bonds Chief Pilots. His route is the Miller. He went on holiday yesterday! It was his chopper that went down. SCARY! Very sad, my thoughts go out to the loved ones. I just hope I don't know any of them. The oil game is a very close community really.
  10. I had my niece (5 years old and in primary one) round for lunch late last week and I asked why she was wearing a tartan skirt instead of her school uniform. She informed me it was tartan day. She said she had to do a poem along with two others in front of the school as they were the best in the class. The poem was this. Ma dug Jake is awfa braw As braw as braw can be He’s black as nicht An wags his tail Finiver he sees me! As soon as I come hame frae school He rins aroon an roon I think Ive got the best big dug In Inverurie toun! Then the whole class were doing a little know Scots song that went like this..... Heed, shooders, knees and taes, knees and taes, Heed, shooders, knees and taes, knees and taes, an een an lugs an moo an neb, Heed, shooders knees and taes, knees and taes! I'd never heard it done that way before so I was rolling about laughing! She was however very impressed that my work is located in Inverurie toun though so I got some good Uncle points for that! Sorry for the random ramblings. I'm on my first nighshift and was thinking about it having a little laugh to myself! If you want a laugh then have a look at all the Scots poems here. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/elphinstone/kist/search/cat_search.php?cat=Rhymes+bi+Bairns I'm sure you'll be able to translate it yourself!
  11. I'd love to do the ferry but I have concerns about ground clearance.
  12. I've driven the Cayman S and thought that the grip was unbelievable. I must admit I'm a huge 911 fan and all I thought was for 44k I'd rather be in a used C4S..... Not that I had 44k...... I don't really like the looks of the Cayman (the back is funny) and if I'm honest I think I'd actually go for the Boxster S as I think it looks better and is no less practical.
  13. It's complicated..... Envy have stopped however Chilli Red (member name on here) run Envy South.....
  14. I have a second boat now. I started boating with it an hour ago. Drop in the Ocean We'll see if I can make up a few places in her!
  15. But you and Immy ARE girls......
  16. The Tommy K seats are
  17. Nice looking roadster that one.
  18. Is the damper bottoming out completely? I'd get down with a torch in the gap and close slowly to see what is hanging up. It could be that the swivel is not operating correctly or something. Also, have you fitted it in the location the instructions suggest to see that it works there? Even if you aren't leaving them there it'll rule out a faulty unit.....
  19. Not girlie. silver 5 door golf..... unimaginative and boring. Jealous ****.
  20. Amanda has 3 requests on her to do list: 1.) Harry Potter Train 2.) Loch Ness 3.) Ben Nevis (not sure the weather will be up for it!) Well Amanda will be behind me in the queue! The train leaves from basically the base of Ben Nevis. For Loch Ness does Amanda want to go all the way round? I was thinking of a route round it. Fort Augustus is on Loch Ness. Ben Nevis isn't far, it's at Fort William. It was busy as hell last year as the weather was cracking.
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