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Everything posted by Stew

  1. And very welcome too. Just what's needed! Jerry will improve the meets scene down south!
  2. Yes, we are the sad ba**ard club...... AKA Spamwhores! But our leader Sarnie is a cut above! He doesn't even have a Zed!
  3. 3527 members I think..... Even cheaper!
  4. Yes, we are the sad ba**ard club......
  5. Good point..... I have all the good 'savoury' suppliers in Aberdeenshire mapped for you!
  6. 10000: start picking members attractive relatives and they have to give them to you!
  7. Agreed that there are no major issues. Most of your questions would be answered in the JDM section if you take a gander through. Go for it though!
  8. Stan doesn't like sweet things though..... He told Jayne and I that!
  9. Paul, it arrived at 9am this morning! That is what I call fast delievery! The brinkmann is quite ace. Can't wait to use it properly!
  10. RE050s are alright I thought. There is a tyre guide on the forum. Oh and about a gazillion other threads. To save time Toyo T1Rs - 40% of the forum use them and love them Falken FK452s - 40% of the forum use them and love them Michelin PS2 - 10% of the forum use them and love them Other - 10% of the forum use them and love them So, in summery, you pays yer monies and ye makes yer choice!
  11. Advanced riding class is the key. I need to do one. I've been out with very experienced (and patient) riders to teach me stuff but I'll be doing advanced road training with a guy up here that used to teach all the police riders etc. When he's not doing that he's an 'expert witness' that rubbishes speed cameras and pulls apart traffic cops in court. All in all a decent guy and handy to know!
  12. It doesn't agree with them, that's for sue...... 10 miles from the sea.... that'll do for me! No seaguls to contend with!
  13. I'm not joining in this game..... I might start putting prices on things and that'd scare me....
  14. Saw a black one on day one of UK release going through Westhill. Wonder if it's all the same one....
  15. Happy Birthday Stan. Hope you have a good day and you get treated well by the love of your life!
  16. I'll tell you my secret of being a clay virgin. I was talking Jayne through it and it became perfectly obvious... Practice on glass. It's really hard to scratch and it'll teach you about pressure and lube (that sounds rude) Wash the item (car or window) Nice lump of clay nicely kneeded and spray some lube and kneed it in, spray some lube on the panel then apply finger pressure on the clay. Just move it about, you'll feel resistance. It it makes noise or feels bad (you'll know it) then more lube. Kneed it again and keep going. No resistance - job done. I'm sure there are Youtube videos but thats how I started. Once you're confident on glass then work at the paint. Try with a soft clay first too!
  17. This annoys me. They really are muppets.. Every problem is 'new'.... Honestly I'd print off the TSBs and show them to the service manager. Ask him if he ever reads anything Nissan sends him.... Then see what he says.
  18. MAybe being picky here but Rays are not GT wheels... They were an option on all zeds until 2006 when they became standard. So the front one which is 8x18 is what you're on the look out for....
  19. Stew

    Clear Fog light

    In the UK we usually delete it and replace it with a red highpower LED bulb. This is good enough to pass our MOT test as having a foglight is a legal requirement.
  20. That'll serve me right for copying Martins posts......
  21. Details of that blended Ultra Yellow GT4 would not be spam and I'm sure a lot of people would like to see it.
  22. Sounds awesome mate, mines sooooooo quiet now This vid Mark or...????????
  23. We normally base ourselves around Fort Augustus. 1. Stew+1 2. Martinmac+1 3. Stan+1 4. xstric9x+1 5. Ebized +1 6. Beavis +1 7. Tilly +1 8. AK350Z(Scratchy) +1 9. Adam (Arphotographs) (the man with the cam) +1 10. Zmanalex +1 11. Maccaman 12. Squarehead +1 13. Darren-b +1 14. Lexx +1 15. malross +? 16. Chris`I +1 (+1 is the woman with the cam - give you a good run for your money Adam Razz ) 17. H5 +1 18. Cara + Doug S 19. Chesterfield +1 20.Paul T 21. T2 22. G18FAN 23. Jay (wont be getting abused on the rigs because he's far to 'pretty' to go in the first place) 24. P19DRO 25. srobrien (depending on new offshore rota) 26. Vasser 27. Herbie 28. JT1703 29. dawnc 30. andyzed Jay, you can remove it all you want!
  24. Thanks Adam. Thought I'd give you a heads up for potential business and your technical view.
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