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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Have a good rep with the VW boys. Nevr used them myself but I wouldn't thought you'd go wrong really.
  2. Oh Philtheforce, I clicked on your linkbut instantly clicked on one of your friends that popped up! She was rather attractive.... You might be a geek but I'll let you off!
  3. My Uncle has lived in Azerbaijan for years (12 or something) and was popular with the locals. Anyway, my Dad was a regular business visitor and one time he jumped in a taxi and the driver said 'aright min, fits the hampden roar?' My dad smiled said 'aye, very good. Am nae bad' then he just blurted out ' Hey min! F*** the English!' My dad burst out laughing. Got chatting and to cut a long story short 'Big Davie' had taught him all the phrases...... big surprise - my Uncle. The driver was well impressed that Big Davies brother was 'blethering' with him though. The funniest one I had was walking into my office in Siberia on my first day being introduced to folk and a Saudi Arabian said 'It's singin' doon wi sna min' I burst out laughing - it was 38*C outside! Anyway turned out that another guy in that office was from south of Aberdeen and he'd picked up that phrase.
  4. Dude, worked there quite a few times (on a clear day look into the sea and you'll see a cluster of gas rigs and one with oil!) and I can say that it's a crap hole. Stayed in a few hotels and all were no better than ok. Even the dearer ones. We always had a laugh at Rumours night club though!
  5. My Niece asked me on the phone today what Swine Flu was..... I told her is she starts growing a curly tail she has it..... My sis just laughed and didn't disagree. I have a feeling her teacher will be told in the morning! Oops.
  6. Welcome Denis. My German is awful despite being taught it at School. I hope you can find a nice TUV approved exhaust!
  7. Oil filter - 15208-9F600 Gasket - 11026-BX000 I think there are more part numbers for the gasket but that's what I have used.
  8. There is about a million threads on oil. I use Amsoil but you can substitute that for loads of other options. I always use genuine Nissan filter and sump plug gasket.
  9. Oooh Friend! Two thumbs up friend!
  10. ASW is an old one on here...... Attention Seeking Whore! No point doing urban chit chat with me. I don't understand it and I'll just shout random abuse at you in doric or any number of other languages I can abuse people with!
  11. I still actually cry when I watch the episode at thorpe park from series 1....
  12. It's series linked on my Sky +. I think I've waited all year for series 2. It is so funny!
  13. Locked two of the topics as they wer about the same thing. Please use this one. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=22290
  14. Please post in this one http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=22290
  15. Seen that one. The copper was a tool. Wouldn't admit the Ferrari sounded good but then said the Zed driver was jealous it wasn't a ferrari..... Of course we wished we were driving a Ferrari about, idiot!
  16. Like Welsh but it's still actually English! So Sarnie, when you coming up to Aberdeen to chat with the locals?
  17. Sarnie wrote: And wtf is doric? That should be ftf is doric..... :lol: Doric is the regional dialect of North East Scotland. Something like this: Fit like mannie? Ach, chavving awa. fit fine wither the day! Aye, ah ken. I'm fair trickit wi it! translation.... Hello, how are you today (to male) Well, I'm ok What nice weather we're having today Yes, I know. I'm very pleased with it.
  18. Think so. I never knew 'chuckies' was doric until I started getting some very blank looks one day.....
  19. Oh and swithering is doric for deciding incase anyone is wondering!
  20. Not offensive but still swearing isn't good for the kids.....
  21. Looks rather nice indeed! I'm having guilty roadster thoughts.....
  22. Standard Lip...... That's what I run and I stand by my decision!
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