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Everything posted by Stew

  1. You done the zed before? How bads the paint?
  2. The limit for photobucket is still 768 high. I just tried with a portrait pic that is bigger than the one above. Normal PB size but portrait.
  3. I'm liking the variety. Can't wait to see more entries. I think it's going to be really difficult to judge!
  4. Very nice Chris. I'd be tempted to put a bit of the black paint on the hub area.... Looks great though.
  5. I was just expecting 'Varis Bonnet' from you BM!
  6. There are some good entries so far. I'm looking forward to seeing a lot more over the next 4 weeks! So, anyone have a favourite yet?
  7. Not true...... Handsfree was standard. Bluetooth wasn't available until late 2006 or 2007..... I remember being in the queue to buy the first batch of BT adaptors. You are correct that they are now standard.
  8. I think it's on the middlw one. Around one LED it has a pic of a car with circular air.... Around the other it has a flowing arrow..... It's standard symbols that are on *most* cars......
  9. The funniest thing is all tose mods and they have a standard gearknob.... and it's squint!
  10. Nice one Markie! You're getting a slap for that!
  11. Thats a good idea for a forum section, or at least a thread: Your previous modified car pics...! Would make some interesting viewing, im sure! Other cars section. My problem is I have VERY few pics of my previous cars. That's why I have so many of the Zed.
  12. Stew

    New Signature

    My local shop has a water purifier additive developed for local water. Add that and the salt. Game on!
  13. Stew

    New Signature

    Well I do a water change regularly but You can easily mix your own water now. Takes about 30 mins care a week I'd say.
  14. Stew

    New Signature

    It isn't a cheap hobby.... They take up far less time than you'd think. The filtration systems are great now.
  15. Nothing to do with budget..... Crap kit.... No taste. I've modified when a student and turned out some nice stuff.
  16. Stew

    US Ebay Exhaust's

    The one pictured is a copy of an HKS(????) I think. You either get a bargain or a sack of crap. It's a gamble.
  17. Stew

    New Signature

    I have a yellow and white sailfin. Lovely looking fish. You can watch them for hours. Brilliant. I can also watch my cat watching them for hours too.... Entertainment! Nice tank Paul!
  18. of the NSX.... one of my favourite cars ever.... Gravel rash is a mega problem on Zeds. Unfortunately you have to live with it or fork out for painting...
  19. Very nice. Same as mine was when I bought it.... I did a pass with my machine polisher on the B piller and the black came up glossy and scratch free.
  20. Stew

    New Signature

    I did the same.... I did buy two though.
  21. He was playing with you...... Nice to get an acknowledgment though!
  22. Stew

    New Signature

    I removed the hermit crabs from my tank as they ate heaps of fish! Replaced them with a sea slug! I must buy some coral this week too..... I like my Marine fish!
  23. Does that include 'displayed' images from photobucket?
  24. Stew

    New Signature

    That's the good thing about Fish. I'll just buy a new one! Mine was the same as this. Anyway, nothing much to do with sigs really!
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