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Everything posted by Stew

  1. The Nismo in that pic now resides on Chris'I car I think....
  2. Stew


    Is it me, or is this place getting gayer and gayer? Just you dude and maybe wishful thinking...... Oh and all new members are warned of your attempts to groom them too!
  3. Ian, you've got to be in it to win it! Plenty time but don't leave it too long or you might end up forgetting!
  4. Stew


    Should have whistled Andy! 'Here boy!'
  5. Best thing to do is take a pic inside the cubby hole and we'll tell you what you need for bluetooth. The other bits I can't belp with I'm afraid!
  6. You have factory handsfree..... Mine came with it too. However it came from the factory with a cradle and a nokia phone. I still have mine lying about... The bluetooth module was a later addition from THB Bury who make the kit in the 350Z. The bluetooth module can still pop out as you've seen.
  7. The black one? Looks to me like a Nismo V2 front bumper, Nismo sides, chargespeed rear bumper and a Nismo v2 spoiler.
  8. Stew

    new headlights!!!

    I'm working nightshift on 31st May so can't make that one. I'll probably manage a later one. You'll see me at the Hoon!
  9. Stew

    new headlights!!!

    They look great Irfan. Now just need to see some daylight pics!
  10. Was going to say try cleaning the surface. Even keying it slightly would help.
  11. No unless the aftermarket wheels have a mental offset!
  12. They must have changed it half way through the photoshoot - there's a big red one (if you'll pardon the expression) in earlier shots . Oh yeah! Love the colour of the car minus all the tacky crap on it.
  13. ZMANALEX had a set recently..... maybe drop him a PM. If he has sold his set then Adam might be the best to contact.
  14. Try a VAG forum perhaps. I know there are plenty of experienced spanner hands here but on a VAG site you will have more chance getting a proper answer....
  15. Take it to a few places for a valuation. Expect to get your pants pulled down trading in. You'd be better selling privately. I thought a white (flavour of the month) Fiat 500 (flavour of the month) would fly out the door....... Both the car and colour are highly desired (by girls! ) but I guess maybe it comes down to getting funds...
  16. Hmmmm, would probably cause damage to the bodywork (i think...) by scratching it. They'd get stolen by the first muppet that walked past them. Great idea though!
  17. I'd imagine Alex would have other ideas. I would have taken it for another floater though......
  18. Ok that's the title amended. Congratulations on the sale.
  19. You done the zed before? How bads the paint? Nope, never clayed before... and only polished once. To be honest the paint is really good - there are no swirl marks at all, although there is a lot of tar. When i rub my fingers over it, the car feels rough. Oh well, plenty lube and a bit of time! I never wear a watch when I'm cleaning or detailing so how idea how long anything takes.
  20. The whole ECU thing has many topics on it. Not sure if it's even been explained properly. Try searching on here and on My350Z and 350z-tech..... That way you should get the answer. No promises though!
  21. Are you on the Wales list as Nora Batty and Alan Carr? Now that'd be an interesting day.....
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