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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew


    I think they look great. Nicer than the last ones in my opinion.
  2. Sweet. Some more food for thought. Lots of stuff to look into. Funny enough I looked at the alum block yesterday.
  3. Clinique stuff is generally very good. They have a fragrance called happy, I have it in my cupboard! The straight blade looks ace, that disposable one is pretty cool! NeilP, you should try a single blade, I was terrified first time out but it's so much nicer. It's just getting routine correct as you can see from this thread.
  4. I'll get you a bigger spoon if you'd prefer. Oh and I'll say to you what I said to the people making arsey comments in your threads, you don't HAVE to read it and you don't HAVE to post. Oh and to clarify, it's about choosing per and post shave treatments. I'm quite happy with my razor thanks.
  5. I'm using a Merkur Futur Razor. Basically, I got a selection of blades but I like Astra Super Platinum the best out of what I've tried. Anything with 'platinum' in the title seemed to work better, I guess as it was sharper. I'm using a Taylors soap with a brush. Basically I bought a 'kit' and upgraded the razor and got a selection of blades. I quite fancy trying some more blades too. I was using a Hugo Boss Skin Serum after shaving and have done for a few years but fancied a change, the Serum was very good on my skin though so I can always go back to it. Where do you buy your stuff from?
  6. Search the forum for details of other people fitting them and then start with the traders on here. Mitz @ CS, Chris @ Tarmac, Steve @ Redline, Alex @ Zmanalex, Martin @ MWTech, Ben @ Rarerims They'd be my first port of call.
  7. Stew

    What To Do?

    1) Park it round the corner..... Then you don't have to look at it. 2) Take it out for a drive. 3) Don't look at it. 4) Go give it a wash and a clay, can easily be done in the wet, when it dries, wash again and wax! 5) Look on the forum for stuff to buy! 6) Shout at the rain until it goes away. 7) Cuddle the car and tell it it will be ok. 8) Take pictures of yourself in suspenders and post them up - This option with be the preferred one of SMD. 9) Start the dastardly plan to turn into into an amphibious vehicle. 10) Drink then doze in a chair. Or chase your dog about. 10 things you can do! Take your pick!
  8. You could get internal drive ones maybe?
  9. They are doing them for my Navara too at the same price. I was tempted to buy some for next disc change! Clarks are on my way home from work and only 8 miles from my house.
  10. Looks cool. Swap the blades too! At that price it'd be nice to by just to try!
  11. Here you go Rich! http://www.traditionalshaving.co.uk/mal ... ght-Razors I think I'm going to try the roasting hot towel thing. I always run the razor until really hot water during the shave too. I'll keep looking for oils and balms. I'm away to order a couple of packs of blades too. I find the sharper the blade the less irritation, Astra Superior Platinum were the best I tried but there are loads out there I haven't tried!
  12. It'd look amazing with a coat of gold lacquer accross it!
  13. Can you do extensions and my nails? Always wanted them in hot pink To match your purse As long as you have a bag to match that purse! If not my wife will......
  14. It's an art! I'm thinking oil might help, apparently it helps sooth the skin so you don't get cut to buggery!
  15. Perverts, look away. This is about blokes face shaving! So, I converted to a safety last year. Loving the heavyweight razor and single blade. At the moment I have the cream in a pot and apply with a brush. I always used a fancy skin Serum after which was nice but this has now run out. I could replace it but fancy trying something else..... So, my question is, does anyone use a nice pre shave oil and what do you use afterwards? Looking for some recommendations of good stuff to use for a nice traditional shave. My skin is pretty sensitive so keep this in mind! I apologise for the off topic nature of this thread, just looking for advise!
  16. Were there some guys from Aberdeen there? My pal Darren Ross (Bobby Dazzler) was going on his ZX10r I'm sure. Might have been there with Craig Shirlaw. Might have been a different but equally sunny track though.......
  17. No, but I wish I did! Looks like a beauty.
  18. I'm hoping my new Nanao fits in! If not it'll defo be a garage system and I'll chuck my classic in it all the time.
  19. You're certainly handy with a camera.
  20. Looks like an absolute steel to me Mitz!
  21. Take a look to see what sort of Nilfisk machine you can get for your budget. I love my Nilfisk machine and it was pretty reasonable (reduced from £400 to £200 or something I think) but I'd happily pay full price for it as it's worth it. Places like Screwfix often have deals on and you can get decent machines for half price etc.
  22. i would say roughly half way between the cheapest and the most expensive I would say this also...... However Is this taking into consideration Kranzles and heated machines or simply what they stock in B&Q. A 'mid price' car is probably £750k. That's near enough halfway between 7k for a VW Up or similar and a £1.5 mil Zonda 760R.
  23. Stew

    JWT pop charger

    sells Popchargers I believe.
  24. Looks like Fakeindians zed to me. I might well be wrong though....
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