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Everything posted by Stew

  1. You mod junkie! Changed the title as I bought the flywheel within 30 secs onit being posted!
  2. Girlfriend. If it was your little sis then you might have been forced to fly down and kick his ass Chris!
  3. Whats japanese for 'please enter your PIN'????
  4. Strange, I would use a rod and a gun.... must be hard casting a 4x4 Oh! L200 for me, great bit of kit! Thats what the winch is for! Oh and ficken laser beams on the roof for shooting!
  5. My mate had an L200 warrior. He used it for his business and for pleasure. It was reliable and nice. Had the toys too. Looked the part too I thought. One of my dads engineers has a Navara he uses for fishing and shooting. It is the older shape so must be that kind of price. Heard no complaints.
  6. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=999 There you go!
  7. Moved to Intros. I don't think the sat nav is that great so I'd probably go for the lower mile example if they were both in excellent condition.
  8. Stew

    Squeeking Brakes

    I did a couple of big blasts of the brakes yesterday and the combo of mental stoppers and big tyres took chunks out the road! It was cool! Still need to do it from even higher speed though......
  9. Is the car an import or UK model? The plug in the centre cubby sounds like it might be for a phone kit. I can't remember seeing a slot......
  10. Anywhere in Fort Augustus will be walking distance.
  11. Stew

    Squeeking Brakes

    I greased up my pads and bedded mine in. They are squeeling like a banshee right now. I think I probably washed out the grease...... I think I'll have to whip out the pads and redo it. I'd suggest that to people with the same problem. Simple to do by yourself or it'll take a mechanic 15 mins to do the fronts.
  12. Added to the discount section.
  13. I'm finding it interesting that most people think you need a huge engine.....
  14. A mix.... although you can shove motorways and dual carriageways where the sun don't shine! A quick bit of road with curves.
  15. Hope you took the coast road and not the boring dual carriageway
  16. Going for 19s or 20s Mart? Your Racing Harts were probably my favourite on the Zed.
  17. Awesome looking woofer! I'm sure I'll see it out for walks around and about. Got a name yet?
  18. Added a link to the guides section. Thanks Ross.
  19. Thanks to srobrien for this one http://search.ebscohost.com/Login.aspx?lp=login.asp&ref=&authtype=ip,uid It contains all the wiring diagrams for heaps of cars including the Zed. You need to log in using the following: Username: greatfalls Password: publiclibrary The UK and US cars wiring can differ so this resource is not gospel. It is for reference only.
  20. They have additional text on it now. Something like 'Now we have your attention..... blah blah blah!'
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