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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Where are you based? You over with the forces? There are some UK based US servicemen on the forum. Look forward to seeing pics and the spec of the car!
  2. I have a soft spot for sporty clios. I've never owned one though...... The popcharger is a decent filter which gives a nice noise above 4k revs.
  3. What about Welsh rain???? Well I couldn't make it as my other half has exams (Neuroscience finals) so I decided to work! I know what I'm missing having attended last year. She was as gutted as me about missing it which says something! Such a good weekend and so much effort goes in to making it what it is. Enjoy your weekend everyone. even if it does rain, a little water isn't going to spoil it!
  4. Stew

    Breyton Wheels

    Martin said you had a little incident.... Have a word with CS and the chillis. Alex had a set of nice looking 5zigens recently...... they would look on the roadster!
  5. I've been happily attached all the time I've had the Zed. This thread will end up full of BS..... Just ask how many boys Louis pulled when he had a Zed! Oh and any chick that goes with you because of your car is.... well..... not worth spending much time with.
  6. I think 'Da Whip' was deleted. That was possibly the funniest thread ever! I'm pretty sure there was mention of him being an escaped mental patient among other things.....
  7. This will be the quietest weekend on the forum of the year. I'm still here to hold the fort though (unfortunately!)
  8. That wasn't wet wet wet... wasn't it crowded house?
  9. You can't leave it at that...... We need polish types and machine types!
  10. It's not always easy.... especially when you are relying on other people giving you information.
  11. Well if Mark doesn't manage then let me know and I'll do it for you. It's not a problem to send it to you.
  12. It's gone. 3 weeks worth of rain in 36 hours. It's really bad and I have my motorbike at work with me today!
  13. Yes we are. Well I like to think so.
  14. Oh and are the pics done in Peternapper? Peterhead for those that don't call it peternapper......
  15. If you get a nice Carbon look vinyl then it'd be fine I'm sure. Have a word with your local sign maker / vinyls company and I'm sure they'd do it!
  16. Very nice Ross. The Megane looks HUGE!
  17. The PH ad and auto trader ad have different phone numbers..... Looks pretty nice to me. I still dream of the UY roadster with wide Nismo wheels that Sarnie posted about 2 years ago. It was stunning! Found it - http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=13241&hilit=Roadster+sarnie+Yellow
  18. Personally i have not seen none around, i know they do for the coupe, might be worth getting in touch with envy I'd contact EPRacing in this instance. This is their speciality.
  19. Hopefully this will be fixed to your satisfaction! Douchebag is probably the best description of someone that does this....
  20. It wouldnt be so bad if they didint literally hide in the bushes, also they sometimes set up opposite the exit to my road and ive been waiting to pull in and I havnt been speeding and they stare at you like youre scum. Miserable ***** The thing with this is, they have no authority so what does it matter if they clock you? By hiding in the bushes they will get a true representation of the way people drive on that particular road. As Chris said earlier, if people are constantly speeding then traffic calming measures may get installed. If by hiding in bushes and generally being 'miserable *****' they save the life of one child then to me it's worth putting up with. I can put up with them but I dont like being glared at when ive done nothing wrong thats all and yes I agree about saving a childs live, as my brother was knocked down at that junction. I'm sure it's nothing personal. They maybe like your car or think you have a funny haircut or something!
  21. It wouldnt be so bad if they didint literally hide in the bushes, also they sometimes set up opposite the exit to my road and ive been waiting to pull in and I havnt been speeding and they stare at you like youre scum. Miserable ***** The thing with this is, they have no authority so what does it matter if they clock you? By hiding in the bushes they will get a true representation of the way people drive on that particular road. As Chris said earlier, if people are constantly speeding then traffic calming measures may get installed. If by hiding in bushes and generally being 'miserable *****' they save the life of one child then to me it's worth putting up with.
  22. So can I providing I dont get sent offshore at short notice like normally happens when I have something to look forward to Just waiting for my loan cheque to clear, cant understand how the loan company can take money out of my account directly but have to send me a cheque for the loan Would be interested to see your car Stew cause I want to have a look at your modified front lights Well the last time it was a couple of days notice (although when I was offshore it was day before / same day usually.....) and a good turn out. Welcome to have a look anytime bud.
  23. I've said it before and I'll say it again.... Kawasaki Wildfire Orange is THE best orange out there.
  24. You get my ones Fiddy? I get the account details from you....
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