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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I plan on changing the crank pulley very soon. Might do the others too..... I was put off by these simply as they were too cheap new.... Made me wary! I presume these are standard size and not underdriven?
  2. NISMO Oh and JOURNEY in one of the vids above! Family guy classic tune!
  3. I really like the C30. It is a genuinely handsome car. If only it was RWD! Oh and the P1800..... Stunning. I love the original too!
  4. Well the engine bay is big enough for a 3.5 ltr V6 but you can supercharge the original 1500 engine! They were the Golf GTi's of their day but not sure the brakes are up to the job! It is actually Lucy's car and she is doing really well on restoration skills which makes my job a lot easier! Maybe one day we can do a Zed meet in it! Jockland hoon 2010! What do you think Stew? Hell Yeah! As Lucy says, would be nice for an Aberdeen trip! Go find the cake shops with it!
  5. awesome, seats out and bike in the back! Trackday heaven!
  6. Edited for Accuracy Keith.
  7. Oh FFS..... Hairspray is holding my TT kit together!
  8. Can't wait to see it Lucy. Looks cool! Glad you got one after all the looking!
  9. ~Forgot to add 'clean calipers and give a coat of wax!'
  10. Oh and Cat D is one thing but Cat C..... Different kettle of fish!
  11. Does it have a CYT box like the Murano? Might be worth seeing if there is a Murano forum too.... The delimiter kits are available but not sure a 350Z one would fit it as I don't know what the wiring is like? You got interior shots? It looks quite cool!
  12. £20k was the figure quoted to me by Alex to do it 'right' and I have no reason to doubt that.
  13. The Zed has really become a huge part of my life I spend a lot of time on here. I do a bit of detailing (mainly my own cars but I'm getting asked to do others now) and I love going out on my motorbike. I don't mind finding a track and going offroad in the gay jeep either but with no green lanes in Scotland it can be dodgy at times. Doesn't really leave me much time for anything else. I enjoy my job generally so that does help I suppose! Emmmm, I'd like to do more but money and time constraints leave them out! Oh, I also have a nitro RC car (65mph) and a nitro offroad truck (45mph) which I can backflip.... occasionally! I haven't played with them in AGES though!
  14. What price exactly? I'd say no..... If I was buying it as a track car or something then MAYBE but I personally would run.
  15. I know! I know! I know! Won't spoil it though!
  16. MBS and BulletMagnet! That's if you entered the correct date on the site! Happy Birthday guys.
  17. Something to remember if you do try to go down this route though is that the postal insurance will only be up to this value if the package is lost or damaged.
  18. Not something I've heard of before. To remove you pop off the three plastic covers and undo the three fixings wiggle the light out and undo the connector. Will take approximately 5 mins including finding the correct tools! What year is the car? If it's pre 06 then I'd be tempted to put up a wanted ad for a replacement or just upgrade to the post 06 LEDs!
  19. When you recieve the reminder then either log on and renew it or take it to the post office anytime BEFORE it runs out. If doing it online allow for postage / processing time. It will run out 6 or 12 months after the current one does. So if your disc expires on 31st July 09 and you renew it 15th July 09 and take a years tax the new one will expire 31st July 10.
  20. I have and yes I was hit with customs charges. Can't remember how how it was though. Think it's a max of 15% for some reason.
  21. Moved to the forced induction section. This is the section which will answer most of your questions.
  22. Well done everyone. That is an amazing total.
  23. A nice R33. A 350Z will feel so slow after that!
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