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Everything posted by Stew

  1. That ones an '06 model. the 313s have a hump in the bonnet. The facelift models have a 3 bar grill, bi-xenon headlights and LED rears. Inside it has a hazard switch under the heater controls (near the heated seat switch on pre facelift cars) and silver heater control rings. Pre facelift Post facelift
  2. Bullshit.........an eye for an eye............you hit me, I hit you.........simples And if they pull a knife which is highly possible???? I never react to people when I'm driving as I feel it won't get me anywhere. They cut you up, ok, it pisses you off but everyone makes mistakes and what do you gain from shouting and searing at them? If people are being dangerous then I usually stay well away as they are unpredictable. If you really don't like it then call the police and report them. Chances are it will be added to their file. They might get a word in their ear.....
  3. I'm not that keen on matt cars. However. My local Aprillia dealer still has one of these in and I LOVE it! It looks amazing in the flesh!
  4. Two wrongs don't make a right folks.....
  5. It's worth PMing ZEDMANALEX for some advice here as he is very knowledgeable. It is also worth finding out if the module is coded to the ECU. If you do find one then whatever you pay is not a bargain if it's then a useless bit of electronic trickery. Well worth getting a second opinion locally too. That would be the first thing to do!
  6. If you run your fingernail accross it vertically does it catch?
  7. Bet they didnt look like these though Ehhhhhh no.
  8. I actually bought trainers in the states that had a little bit of carbon on them....
  9. I used to like taking my mums old SLK out even though it was woefully underpowered (SLK200), it was nice on a sunny day Just cruise. That's the whole point for me!
  10. Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't go to Mum and Dads house when the weather is nice and sneak the SL out the garage! That's if Dad isn't using it already... I do like open top motoring.
  11. It will cost £105. You will have to retain the plate as you can't transfer it unless you have both cars in your possession. DVLA 5 mins, plate off. Get the Zed, DVLA 5 mins! Done!
  12. The indicator flashed the girls turned round and saw him lungeing with the keys in his hand, a smile on his face and winking at the ladeeeez!
  13. Oh yeah, forgot to change it! Cool. My car!
  14. A G shock! Not very original I know but truly bullet proof. I wore my G shock in Siberia (worked perfectly in -50*C) and I've worn the same one in the Sahara (+55*C) not to mention I wore it on a drill floor countless times getting covered in god knows what and it STILL works perfectly.
  15. Awesome! I wouldn't complain about being paid to sit at home..... wait a minute that's what I'm doing this week!
  16. My Nova was awesome! I'd easy have another for a toy. Think my girlfriend would leave me though!
  17. It like the 'seat of the pants dyno' that makes you think the car is twice as quick as it has a new air filter fitted!
  18. I use cruise on long journeys and that's about it. Handy to have though. When I was a year passed my test I used to drive my dads XJ8 and used to put the cruise on in 30s as it used to creep up so easily compared to my 1.2 Nova!
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