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Everything posted by Stew

  1. The colour selction on the GTR is pretty poor. As is the 370Z. I mean, how many different names is there for grey? I'd LOVE to see both cars in bright colours. Yes I know I can using the google machine but I mean factory colours! I like the GTR in black and in white but give me a couple of lairy shades and my knees would go weak! Azure???
  2. I laughed! Some of them are good!
  3. Stew

    washed n waxed

    We can talk Azure cleaning at Spittal!
  4. No issues with diesel from this camp. I could see my next car being diesel (might not be a Zed replacement) as they have come on leaps and bounds. Dad gets annoyed filling his car up (was £130 at fuel price peak) with Derv as it still only manages 25mpg. Saw a 330d coupe out on track at the weekend. It wasn't slow, noisy or smoky. 30+mpg on the circuit too the owner said!
  5. Emmmm bangers should be old and have faults! People aren't playing properly!
  6. Stew

    My first.....

    The sunset Zed on track was totally stock. It did very well. I think the only thing a totally stock Zed might struggle on is pads as it's a heavy car! I think everything else would cope. Alex is the best man to ask though as he is the veteran!
  7. Stew

    washed n waxed

    Didn't say that!
  8. Stew

    My first.....

    won't tell you last time it was cleaned..... Alex' Zed seems to do that!
  9. Do you mean the mesh for behind the bumper? It would be to protect the rad and power steering fluid cooler.
  10. Mine must be the guinea pig then lol Yours is mine! If that makes sense.
  11. Standard as it'll be a spare. It'll be getting some treatment up here with a healthy cut of the selling price being donated to the site.
  12. For an oil change including filter I think it's 4.7l that is required.
  13. Is it a cover or the actual pillar piece that you require?
  14. Trackday! First off a huge thanks to ZMANALEX who booked this for me so I couldn't chicken out! Anyway, early start, left my house at 7am and headed to Knockhill Racing Circuit. Topped up the V power 10 miles from the circuit. Arrived and signed in. Attended the driver breifing and then checked tyre pressures etc. Everything else was checked before leaving. So to build up my confidence I let Alex take control of my jallopy for a few laps to see what I had to do. He was excellent showing me the lines, the braking points etc etc. We swapped over and I ventured out. Again Alex was telling me what to do which was very much appreciated! I then ventured out alone and Alex took to the track in his beast! This ended up being open pitlane so was very relaxed. There was some nice cars in attendance. Jayne (my other half) was in charge of the camera and hardly took any pics as I think she was worrying about me too much! Oh and she was too busy out on track with Alex! I took it really steadily building up pace with confidence. I did about 100 laps in the end zand thouroughly enjoyed it. The pics. Another Zed was in action. We had a chat to the owner who was impressed by Alexs list of mods.... Dude 'that thing shifts, much done to it?' Me chipping in 'Just an exhaust mate...' Alex as we were walking away '...... sh*t, I should have said 'and some gauges!'' Alex jumping in the passenger seat.... you have to question his sanity! And they're off! Made it round for the first time! I'm not ashamed to say I had a semi as this 360CS passed me at full pelt, went sideways through the hairpin and fired up the straight. I think Alex went Fezza hunting later...... Master and apprentice I was getting faster so Jayne couldn't catch me in action...... The trackday finished at 5pm. Headed up the road for some award winning fish and chips and home for a mammoth sleep! ddmroadster came along to say hello too which was nice! Only incident was a little smoke from the nearside front. After a little investigation it was discovered that a seal on my dipstick had split and oil had got out and was burning off. Stole some scotch tape from Bruce Taxi and I was away again! The car was faultless apart for that. First thing Alex told me was to leave ESP off on the track. It performed brilliantly on T1Rs. The brakes (Dixcel - thanks Dixon and DMS) suffered no fade and were more powerful than my requirements. They were a little squeeky at the start but that soon stopped after a few proper applications. The power of the Zed was fine for the track. I must admit I was nervous and thought the car would be sliding about a bit. It really didn't. The cars talents outweighed mine on the day. The suspension (Eiback pro springs on stock dampers) felt spot on! Very communicative and the damping was fine. I'm here and Alex has posted since so he obviously wasn't too traumatised by the experience! Now to book the next one!
  15. push down the gap! Ekona did the same!
  16. Stew

    washed n waxed

    I have nothing to worry about...... To let you catch up I'll lend you my makita for a weekend. I'll make sure it's stuck on speed 6 though! You're helper is very cute!
  17. flipping heck. I found my standard gearknob in the garage tonight.....
  18. I realise this is a joke but YES! Friends and foes. I think if you add a user as a foe then it blanks out their posts so you don't have to read them.
  19. Interesting, all three of my wheels are kerbed (don't ask!) yet they were happy to replace them. Maybe it was just the dealer then as I had a emmmmm falling out with them resulting in an exchange of words which ended in me not wishing to part with cash for them to look after my car and them not really wanting my business.....
  20. So you couldn't just run with the GT4 wheels??? My rays claim was turned down as the wheels were kerbed (not by me!) although all the bubbling was half way up the spokes.... bloody Nissan!
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