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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew

    ITS ON!!....

    I know, i know....sorry lol Ok, on the finance thing... spent a decent amount of time talking to my m8 who works for a bank on better ways to pay the car. Namely among such is a loan, which is cheaper and would also let me incorporate my credit card thing and be paid off pretty quick...so think i'll be looking down that route..so thats fine. In terms of the car... I know it sounds stupid but... I want some sort of comeback... so kinda (even tho probably dearer) would like a main dealer of some sort and some sort of warranty. Preferrably Alex Noble n' son Edinburgh but anyone would do, even another company. With little 'dealers' i don't see much of a come back if somesthing up. Whereas (done it before) main dealers usually are a bit more helpful-ish. I may be being hugely paranoid but... well, I don't have a lot of techy know how so...if something goes i'd like a bit of a warranty somewhere. I suppose I could buy private and then buy a warranty? Anyone ever done that and got a decent one? I hear good things about that 'quentin wilson' warranty direct thingy? *And yep Tranquill I did see that one, but obviously a bit worried due to it being a 'wee dealer'. How much d'you think I could get that down to, cos i would not want to pay £12K, I'd want a 'bit' off that to make it a bit more managable. About £11 really is most im wanting to pay..and then take the 2K for my car off it. * EDIT - Sorry just looked at the site...new cars etc too, maybe not such a 'wee' dealer lol* Cheers for the help again...and the patience! If I have to buy from a dealer I'd FAR rather deal with a 'wee' dealer than an Arnold Clark type affair.
  2. Here he is on the IV I rigged up for him. Hoping he'll be ok by the end of the day.
  3. 5 weeks to travel 400 miles. Royal Mail suck. He's dehydrated, I've put him on an Intravenous Drip.....
  4. Another Oscar update. He's now 6 kg - still got another 50% weight to put on before he's fully grown! Oh and as a reference, my other cat Sox (who is small) is 3.2 kg! Look Dad, I've got Forged Feet! Not letting me play with my iPad My big sister and my neice came round to take me for a spin in my Dads classic SL. Oscar had to investigate.... And he liked it!
  5. An interesting package arrived at my house YESTERDAY!!!!!!
  6. Whatever you decide on get braided lines and upgraded fluid. This is probably one of my favourite mods and it's not expensive. You can't beat the improved pedal feel!
  7. We had fun on Facebook!
  8. It's self funded by the club. Traders fees mainly and donations from members. It will always be a free club so donations / fees are in no way mandatory for members. Oh, you all owe chesterfield a drink at Wales. Call it a baby head wetting / thanks for fixing the forum drink!
  9. If the worst does happen then we'll update through the facebook groups for those that use them. For those that don't, find a forum friend that does so you know what's going on. Links below if you need them.
  10. Not always. Some do and some don't. If it has the GT refinements then it's a GT.
  11. Brilliant to hear. Glad you enjoyed yourself Annie. You'll be whizzing round as a Track Day Queen soon enough by the sounds of it.
  12. Spoke too soon. Hail just started.
  13. Well, certainly no track related antics. Slightly embarrassed to admit that I drive like a complete lunatic. I'm 33 but hoon it like a drunk 18 year old with his mates in the back. I wish I could make it stop, but the Zed compels me to keep pushing it! You have to admit; it's very very addictive. In terms of "experience", I do mostly weekend motorway miles and prefer the "GT" approach to track car dynamics/handling. The Zed does this well. Has sports car noise and performance with GT ride/comfort, but with the downside of relatively heavy dynamcis. By contrast, my uncle's MR2 is a fantastic go-kart that feels like it's glued to the road, but it's not really what I'm after. If I drove like that I'd downsize not get a faster car. More speed for WHEN it goes wrong.
  14. Funny enough, no hail up here today.... yet. Why is this happening in May? Any budding weather men wish to explain?
  15. I know you say thrashable but what kind of driving do you normally do? What exactly do you want the car for? What do you look for in a driving experience?
  16. I've seen Hailstones everyday for the past week minimum. Glorious sunshine (not so much heat though) then hail.
  17. Yeah, surrounding area (bluetoon) Ahhhhh, Peternapper. We have members in Ellon, Hatton etc north of the 'deen.
  18. You from Aberdeen or perhaps the surrounding areas?
  19. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder though..... I agree though, it's a 4 door jap saloon and its not really comparible to others on the list.
  20. How much of a curve? You could match it up to a hole saw if that was suitable.... I use a dremel normally though.
  21. PPS in Inverurie, best to Pop out if you can. They have done powder coating work for me in the past. There is a place in the Harbour area (Cotton street??) and also the wheel specialist in Wellheads Crescent, Dyce. There is a place in Newmacher I think.
  22. Stew


    Keep your eyes peeled on the forum.....
  23. Christ that's an improvement on what I thought it was......it looked like it was gripped out if a Granada on the one I looked at! 90s Mondeo nicked it out of an 80s Granada, i know this as my dad had a granada scorpio 2.0 and a cosworth of that vintage. Back in the day when my Dad bought a new XJ8 I made a comment about ford switchgear on the S type to the very old school salesman. He simply replied in a dissapointed voice 'well son, the less said about that the better.'
  24. I do believe its taken over 18 months and over 3000 post but I may actually have made my first positive contribution! Ricey for Mod!
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