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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Nice Ian. If you were uber JDM you'd have had odd seats...... looks gay but is very JDM!
  2. So if anyone has a nice PS3 to sell soon better of asking me if I want it before sticking it on ebay!
  3. Good decision! I'm sure when you have money waiting people will look at cars for you. It really opens a lot of doors. Not much choice in model really. On a UK car GT or non GT. Or an import model with 3 specs. S, T or ST. All the differences are well documented on here so take a look about!
  4. I'm sure your opinion would be different That user was banned for making such stupid comments and I could easily have deleted the post before you saw it. I left it there to highlight the idiocy of the people that we try to keep away from the forum. Personal insults dressed up in any way are unacceptable here.
  5. Poorboys wheelsealant will do the job too. If the lip doesn't have laquer then the megs all metal polysh will work well. I would only use it when the the lip was scratched though as it WILL scratch if unlaquered!
  6. Docwra, nice post. Sarnie - give it up dude. It's over! Lets learn from each other (like I said before) and use each others knowledge to strengthen the club and the online forum.
  7. Sounds like diesel to me. I am paranoid about it being a biker dude. Sounds very lucky indeed. Interesting, I did a test at a skid training day with my work and they asked you to do brake and avoid at various speeds and they adjusted the car to various grip conditions. You would be AMAZED by how much easier the car is to control at 5mph less the speed you think is fine. Something for everyone to bear in mind perhaps. Less is sometimes more!
  8. Exactly. One click less for you! http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=350z-uk&meta=&aq=f&oq= First link is to the splash screen, second is to the forum portal. You don't even have to scroll!
  9. Can I ask why 40 miles distance? This will be the single most limiting factor in your search. I personally can't understand why people do that..... Members of the forum have in the past gone to look at cars local to them for members further afield to save them a long journey to look at a car. Best of luck with the search!
  10. Stew

    20" tyre presure' ?

    What tyres you running Stew, and thanks will stick a tad more in, currently running 32psi 245x30 R20 and 285x30 R20. edit - Toyo T1Rs
  11. Not any more mate, on the Elgin now, what you mean is you sit in an office drinking tea then when your pump breaks down, you get the operators to sit outside in the p*ssing rain for hours on end adjusting the choke valves whilst your engineers pretend to know what they are doing trying to fix it, until our rig sparkies notice that the engineers have rigged the motor polarity up the wrong way round? am i close R Ehhhhhh I drink coffee.......
  12. Well folks, I hate to say it but thats business. Selling and buying privately is the only way you'll get a good deal (both ways) on a car.
  13. Was away to say that. If you search for 350z-uk on google I think the second link is for the Forum Portal so it skips the splash screen.
  14. Ok, I'm back to work again..... Just now acquiring some high rate data for a rather good producing oilwell in Angola and I'm away to do theoretical diagnostics on it to make sure that the recovery rate is what it should be for that reservoir. Then I don't know as I work with Real Time data so who knows what will be thrown up! I might call srobrien though for fun as I look after a couple of wells where he is based!
  15. Enjoy you pair! I'm not jealous at all. That particular region of France is superb and I have spent a lot of time there. It's fantastic! Have a few Desperado on me!
  16. Stew

    20" tyre presure' ?

    35 psi works for me Mark.
  17. Glad to see it done Ian! Been looking forward to seeing for a wee while! That is super bling!
  18. Order proper offsets on the wheels and there will be no need for spacers at all. Spacers should really be a last resort for giving standard wheels an aggressive stance. On aftermarket wheels they should be a last resort as they should be ordered with the best offset available. 8.5" fronts and 10" rears with a decent offset (25 or less) should be fine.
  19. Very sorry to hear that. I have always used the rule to start weak and work up stronger with everything!When buying a 'professional' product it is absolutely invaluable to check on DW or post up here BEFORE using anything. I use bilberry and have had no issues. I have never had to use it more than 1:5 parts water even on really bad wheels as it really has a lot of cleaning power.
  20. I would like to add something. I refrained from taking action at the time and raised my concerns to the board. I seperated the chat from the for sale post and locked it to keep the (ex) member happy and respect his sale. I also tried a few times to steer the thread away from being a slanging match between members however tempers were flared. I can see how some of the posts made by the members could have been misunderstood by someone who is more knowledgeable in the area of stretched tyres and sticking wheels out of arches HOWEVER people can share knowledge in a positive way and it is very much appreciated on this site. I for one enjoy learning new things and would happily of read a constructive post made on the subject. I'm sure others would have too.
  21. The reason for the difference in tyres will be to compensate for the stagger. However Nissan staggered tyre sizes from stock. 30s all round work well. Thats what I run!
  22. Very clean looking car. Nice woofer!
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