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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Bog roll boy! Bringing you a bog roll when you've laid a log and there is only one sheet left!
  2. Old as hell! Happy Birthday dude. Hope you have a good one!
  3. Camber. You can dial it out and put it into spec to avoid wearing the inside edge of the tyre out. It does look cool with a little camber though!
  4. I reckon with standard spacing it'd still look fairly decent.
  5. Nice idea. I think cutting the lower half of the bumper off would be the way to go aslong as the lines flow well.
  6. Not yet. A couple of guys from work went and said it was brilliant.
  7. Snakes are not pets. They have no fur and want to eat you. Plus I'm terrified of them!
  8. Stew

    ITS ON!!....

    He'd probably pay for that......
  9. Ok everyone, Zedley is now sitting up and even contemplating eating. This is great news after the worry this morning. The IV was successful and we got his fluid levels up. Here he is! He's going to be OK!
  10. They are all the same. My dad had an L322 and it wasn't the most reliable. Unacceptable on a car that's new. So it had to go. I quite liked pimping about in it though I must say!
  11. You'd have been well practised with a P38 though! Blooming things are always breaking!
  12. I thought they were V3 as they appear to have a reservoir on the side. I wasn't 100% sure though!
  13. KW by the looks of the colours.. Not sure on the variant though.
  14. Stew

    ITS ON!!....

    Or a grown up to make a decision for you!
  15. Stew

    ITS ON!!....

    What will you need the warranty for?
  16. Stew

    ITS ON!!....

    You don't have to type all your thoughts out though! I don't understand, when you buy a car you take a chance. Always. I'd rather have the cash in my pocket so that if the clutch (as an example) does go I can replace it. Dealers and warranty companies can go out of business at the drop of a hat and then you are left with no benefit anyway.
  17. I thought the non gt seats never had airbags Cant see the steering wheel closely enough to see if it has the cruise control buttons I'm wearing my specs neil. No Cruise and no leather.
  18. Stew

    ITS ON!!....

    Are you M350ZB in disguise? He wanted everything at the end of his street aswell Ok, made a few small changes. NOW he's M350ZB.
  19. More than one wise man have said to me to always use OEM Oil Filters.
  20. If you have a link to the car then we can tell you what it is.
  21. The red car you linked to was covered on our facebook group the other day. Click the links in my signature for the story....
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