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Everything posted by Stew

  1. OK 10% discount.... why they couldn't have told me that via email I have no idea! So I will do a group booking when I know whos all going. Obviously going for the return journey and you can leave the cars in Fort William with no issues.
  2. Who cares! It's a train horn!
  3. I too am an IT numpty. Mozilla Firefox is an alternative browser so you can use it instead of IE. I find it easier to use, better layed out and quicker. You can have a look here for more info http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/up ... getfirefox
  4. I use my winter/track wheels in winter and on track..... I fear I'm boring and need to find another use!
  5. And if people aren't happy with something that is being posted you can highlight it by using the report function. Do it by clicking on the exclamation mark (top right of the post beside quote) and the team will take action. I know this isn't directly related to this incident however if Chilli (or others) didn't like the posts being made then they could have highlighted it to the team. What I find offensive might be different to what you find offensive.
  6. And we have ten! I'll call and get the rates as they wouldn't do them by email....
  7. ask H5 about them. His mate was in a legal battle with them as far as I know.
  8. Good paint match on the washing machine and dryer..... Did Ryan have a go?
  9. Admiral multicar for me. Renewal is through now so trying to get the best deal! I've found admiral very competitive for insurance although I pay more for the little gay jeep than I do for the Zed!
  10. I was sorry to hear of Mikes troubles so stepped in to help out the members here. I have costs but some things aren't available from the poorboys range.... If people are interested with a detailing supplies group buy then let me know. I ran one before with the company that my friend works for and now owns part of. If you want anything then let me know. We will get 10% off which covers the postage in most cases. Have a look here http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/ and post up what you want , quantity and price. eg. Stew - Clear Wash Bucket x 1 - 4.95 I'll do the rest!
  11. So it's an auto box too. Might be worth checking my350z.com as autos are popular in the US.
  12. 1. Stew+1 Confirmed and booked. 2. Martinmac+1 Confirmed and booked. 3. Stan+1 Confirmed and booked. 4. xstric9x+1 Confirmed and booked. 5. Ebized +1 Confirmed and booked. 6. Beavis +1 7. Tilly +1 8. AK350Z +1 Confirmed and booked. 9. Zmanalex +1 10. Squarehead +1 11. Darren-b +1 12. Lexx +1 13. malross +? 14. Chris`I +1 Confirmed and booked. 15. H5 +1 16. Cara + Doug S 17. Chesterfield + Tracy Confirmed and Booked 18.Paul T 19. T2 20. Jay +1 Confirmed and Booked 21. P19DRO 22. srobrien (depending on new offshore rota) 23. Vasser 24. Herbie 25. JT1703 and Patricia Confirmed and Booked 26. dawnc and Kenny Confirmed and Booked 27. andyzed 28. Nixy and Markie (in Markie's car this time) Confirmed and Booked 29. Richie Confirmed and Booked 30. Louis (either with my car or with Richie, Chris, the competition is on for best photo ) 31. ddmroadster350z (Sunday the 6th Only) 32. Vik54 + Gary - we'll be there on Friday - prob late afternoon for the weekend
  13. Stew

    be carfull

    Report it to ebay. And trading standards!
  14. Ok folks, I would like to offer a little extra for the hoon, it has been mentioned a lot but I thought it deserved it's own thread. The 350Z Harry Potter Experience! This is a trip on the historic Jacobite Steam Train and the route has been used in the Harry Potter movies to depict the train journey to Hogworts.... This was voted top rail journey in the world which I'm sure is great if you are a train spotter! The info is here http://www.westcoastrailways.co.uk/Jacobite_Home.cfm I need numbers to make a group booking. The journey would be taking place on Friday 4th September. 1. Stew and Jayne 2 x tickets
  15. 1. Stew+1 Confirmed and booked. 2. Martinmac+1 Confirmed and booked. 3. Stan+1 Confirmed and booked. 4. xstric9x+1 Confirmed and booked. 5. Ebized +1 Confirmed and booked. 6. Beavis +1 7. Tilly +1 8. AK350Z +1 Confirmed and booked. 9. Zmanalex +1 10. Squarehead +1 11. Darren-b +1 12. Lexx +1 13. malross +? 14. Chris`I +1 Confirmed and booked. 15. H5 +1 16. Cara + Doug S 17. Chesterfield + Tracy Confirmed and Booked 18.Paul T 19. T2 20. Jay +1 Confirmed and Booked 21. P19DRO 22. srobrien (depending on new offshore rota) 23. Vasser 24. Herbie 25. JT1703 and Patricia Confirmed and Booked 26. dawnc and Kenny Confirmed and Booked 27. andyzed 28. Nixy and Markie (in Markie's car this time) Confirmed and Booked 29. Richie Confirmed and Booked 30. Louis (either with my car or with Richie, Chris, the competition is on for best photo ) 31. ddmroadster350z 32. Vik54 + Gary Folks, I'd really appreciate if people could confirm if they will be attending. If you are day tripping then just note this on the list please. This is to assist me with the plans. If you don't confirm then I can't make arrangements!
  16. Would that be the golf bag full or racquets Nic? First time I saw an Enzo was on South Beach Miami and it was being given extreme beans. Was absolutely awesome!
  17. Sent it to me at work and I'll put it round my mailing list Chris.
  18. I'm no mechanic but happy to give this a look over for anyone. I've seen it a few times and can confirm it's very nice indeed. It's a good price for this car!
  19. The best there is for dark cars in my opinion. Been using it for a couple of years and nothing touches it.
  20. Option 3.... you know it makes sense!
  21. Mental note..... Nixy WILL carry out the slap list..... Am I on it???? If not I don't want to be..... If I am I'm wearing my crash helmet to the hoon....
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