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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I'm sure it's damper body to the bonnet and the brackets only sit comfortably one way. I don't think it's possible to fit them wrong with out knowing Rich. I had no instructions and put them together.
  2. A lot of us are! Thats why we aranged with one of our traders to run a comp. viewtopic.php?f=22&t=25492 Put your nerdiness to good use and you might pick up the prize!
  3. Very odd. It'd be worth looking at. As far as I know there isn't any boxes of tricks in the boot area.... The seal on the boot lid ok? and the latching mechanism?
  4. They're a dealership in Texas (I think) I've used them before. BEWARE the shipping costs! The service is spot on though!
  5. Looks like a contender for the Envy Professional Valeting Show and shine comp!
  6. Very much doubt they are racing! Still amazing you can get that close to the track when vehicles are on it.
  7. Haha! Should get some mega hard collinite for it Stan! 6 months protection.
  8. there is honest and there is plain rude.... I tend to be polite. If I like it I say so. If I have some constructive input, I'll add that. If I don't like it I say nothing. oh and +3
  9. Stew


    Nismos go for HUGE money nowadays! You can buy a K2 from CS or Envy for a lot less money, yes it isn't a Nismo but it's less than a quarte of the price and sounds great (in my opinion) Or the best price on a new Nismo Exhaust has to be Adam@Z1.
  10. I don't even try..... It can only end four ways. 1. You lose and have to face embarrassment for 5 mins until you forget 2. You win and have all the glory for 5 mins until you forget 3. A big crash 4. Court
  11. Fiddy had to double black bag the seats to avoid getting aids on the way home!
  12. Forget drift style..... Now that'd look sweet.
  13. black plastic is the way!
  14. The Daihatsu Charade GTtI is a quick little car. It's a 1.0 Turbo but very light and very potent with a bit of tuning. There are a lot of quick cars out there that could embarrass the Zed easily so beware!
  15. I guess the best thing to do is whip it off and check the size and offset. I'd be tempted if you have to get them done to do them red!
  16. A bit of fun because we all love our pets on here! Name: Sox Make: Cat Model: Sunset Female (quite rare) and miniturised. She is about 2/3 - 3/4 the size of a normal kitty. Age: Born 2005 and adopted by me in 2006 from Mrs Murrays Cat and Dog home in Aberdeen Likes: sleeping, practicing ninja skills and eating Dislikes: Loud noises and my Mum! She is an indoor cat but occasionally goes out with me! Jumps on my cushions to have a nap! Cats nearly always look evil in pictures..... Post your pet up, it's a bit of fun!
  17. Too far? We have two members coming from Surrey...... Lol it is for me,i was the same when it came to shows with the FTO,refused to drive as far as MPne distance.lol. LincolnBaggie,i would but ive got to strip the Ice out of the FTO at the weekend & i promised my girlfriend we would mint both cars up.lol.Shame though it would of been nice to meet a few peeps. By the way would i be right in thinking that the wheels on my car are Rota GTR's like Rarerims are selling? Just kidding. Travelling to meets isn't for everyone! They are probably Rotas. 18"?
  18. Too far? We have two members coming from Surrey......
  19. My Boss added me! Although I forgot me password months ago and haven't been on. To be fair though he's worse than me!
  20. Stew

    exhaust OEM

    Removed the other topic that was the same. One will suffice. Most people keep the OEM exhaust but you might be lucky!
  21. Well at least me and my untanned legs don't appear that version!
  22. How come in the second vid he can't pass the traffic when he's doing 380 klicks apparently.... Driving at crazy speeds on the public highway with other traffic about is insane. Very irresponsible as it's endangering peoples lives.
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