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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Oh and there is a shop at the bridge with a decent off license too!
  2. I think it might be to do with it being an import as technically it's reregisted. On classics many people sell the plate and then ask DVLA for a new age specific plate. They issue it but make it non transferable so they can't sell it on. I might be totally wrong but it's my understanding.
  3. Hell yeah! Slimline tonic and a slice of lime for me.
  4. Hmmmm, very interesting. This could work very well.
  5. Adam@Z1 would be your best bet as suspension set up is where Z1 really excel!
  6. Ah yes, BEER PYRAMID!!!! Does this mean I'll have to swap from my regular bottles to cans of lager for the event? I'll also be taking lots of wine again this year....
  7. I think everyone has said it at some point or another but this club is the success it is due to it's members and their enthusiasm for the car, the meets, the shows and the whole social aspect of what we have here. The traders work hard to give all the members great discount, great service and support the club financially so the team can offer discounted show tickets, the odd competition and various other special offers. I think not only the team but all the members work hard to make this place number one.
  8. Try a manual. I haven't driven an auto 370Z but the manual is a great drive. It's a bit more grown up than the 350Z though.
  9. I like them. I remember driving my bosses and then he had a go of the Zed. His exact words were 'f**king hell, it's in a different league to my rex!' But the rex is great at what it does.
  10. I need to nip in to see clark this week. I might see what all the fuss is about!
  11. Happy birthday Keith! Hope you have a good one!
  12. Just a reminder people, please let me know if you will be having lunch and afternoon tea ASAP! Also, PM one of the Team for the username and password for the route etc.
  13. Does your car run FI or do you have FI plans for the future? If the answer is no then a spacer will be sufficient. If yes, then Cosworth looks awesome and is meant to be good.
  14. Good luck in keeping it clean and fluff free if your going to get it done On a plus, my sellotape shares went through the roof!
  15. Well it bugs me as they never seem to bother putting up signs either. The second time I'd ever been out on my motorbike they had done this half way round a corner with no signs. Obviously I wasn't (and still am not) skilled enough to hold a big slide on a motorbike. Luckily I stayed upright as I was pootling round but could have become a statistic on a motorbike with 12 miles on the clock....
  16. Stew

    Fitment Q - 18x11J+16

    11s on the front????? Rear would be ok I think (with arches rolled) not sure on the front. my350z might hold the answer Jord as some of those guys run wide wheels.
  17. Looks good. Nice scratch fee wing too..... Splitter =
  18. They did the place I live yesterday morning. It's bloody dangerous.
  19. Nice looking example. Biker here too but fair weather only for me.
  20. You can't highlight the address and drag it into the bar below on FF?
  21. Me too Digsy! Also if using IE it seems to refresh the unread posts if using the back button.
  22. Still another year to go though isn't there? I keep seeing adverts for voting and thinking 'is it still on?'
  23. I'm looking forward to seeing it! Oh and Ben from rarerims. I was the one making the noise in the back ground yesterday!
  24. As I have no details I can't make any comment other than to say best of luck.
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