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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Tigers love water Lion hate it. Wander if the bengals have mini bengal tiger brains!
  2. The whole car looks spot on Ben. The S15 with 19s wouldn't look quite so purposeful as it does with the aggressive 18s.
  3. Stew

    As promised

    That looks alright! I was in Edinburgh at the weekend and saw a new california pull up, was having a gander and a DBS pulled up behind. Never a bad sight!
  4. You driven a few M3s yet? What exactly are you looking for in a car?
  5. I followed the best cyclist EVER today. Went flying over the roundabout, I approached and was looking for an opportunity to pass giving him plenty room. Glanced at the speedo and I was doing 30 and not gaining. Superb! Then he flew up a kerb and onto the cycle route to the city which no 'serious' cyclists use despite a proper cycle being installed to keep bikes off the dual carriageway... Brilliant, the guy was also checking he wasn't holding people up by checking over his shoulder frequently.
  6. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=26896 This was posted 5 threads below yours!
  7. You appear online to me. Try logging off properly (not just closing the window) and logging back in. Also have a search as this was raised a few weeks ago and Chesterfield gave the proper answer!
  8. Or even a GTR R35 as it is not a skyline See, it can happen to anyone!
  9. Done that road myself as it's one way home for me. Fun! Buy a jacket or get a dog memory instead of a fish one! All the team members that were there were easy to remember Chesterfield - Big dark haired train spotter Martinmac - the guy with a cigarette in his hand! Chris'I - The guy without a beer! Ebized - The old one! Stew - The fat one with highlights Easy!
  10. Stew


    viewtopic.php?f=19&t=27605 Shares you're ideas people!
  11. Ok, few ideas on the photo thread. Talk to me!
  12. Stew


    If you get the weather she'd be blown away!
  13. Ho on this site (lilsheepshagger_turbo) might be able to help you out if the North East you are in is England. If it's Scotland then I might be able to help you out.
  14. Find out where he's working and ask for him to call you if you are in doubt. I'm sure if you left a deposit he'd conclude the deal on his return.
  15. Stew

    Post Hoon

    He cheated though as that was after a drift day...... I did tit the proper way by Hooning! Sorry Darren, I know you wanted to do it properly too!
  16. I decided to make this to keep a track of the pics and vids. Post Hoon media threads. Pictures from everyone viewtopic.php?f=11&t=27251 The big Vid viewtopic.php?f=19&t=27381 The flyby vid viewtopic.php?f=23&t=27277&start=0 Ebized write up Part 1 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27518 Ebized write up Part 2 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27519
  17. Find (most of) the pics and vids here people! Post Hoon media threads. Pictures from everyone viewtopic.php?f=11&t=27251 The big Vid viewtopic.php?f=19&t=27381 The flyby vid viewtopic.php?f=23&t=27277&start=0 Ebized write up Part 1 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27518 Ebized write up Part 2 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27519 I think that's the main media content for anyone looking
  18. Post Hoon media threads. Pictures from everyone viewtopic.php?f=11&t=27251 The big Vid viewtopic.php?f=19&t=27381 The flyby vid viewtopic.php?f=23&t=27277&start=0 Ebized write up Part 1 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27518 Ebized write up Part 2 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27519 I think that's the main media content for anyone looking
  19. Stew


    Serious head on, you need to find people with similar journeys to yourself to gain real world numbers. No point getting a figure of 14mpg from someone driving through town if you do a motorway journey to work and could get 30 mpg. It is a frequently asked question but then again, at over £4.50 a gallon I think it's a fair one.
  20. I lasted 3 months with my tiny plate on. I reckon I might have been able to go the same time with no plate.
  21. Stew


    11????? Never got anything more than 8.8mpg on a track!!!!!! Only town driving is 13.smth now and on the motorway i never average more than 23mpg.... I would swear that after fitting the nismo exhaust and air intakes fuel consumption has got worse....it used to be over 14 around town.... But then again i love the sound so much that my ultra heavy right foot has got even heavier!!!!! Oh well, as i always say, cars and women are for pleasure....so the more fun you have with them, the more you need to spend on them and vice versa!!! And good fun never comes cheap!!!!! None of your MPG figures surprise me after reading about your brake and tyre usage!
  22. paypal protects buyers very well but it's at a cost.
  23. Congrats Stan (but you already know how chuffed I am for you) and to be totally honest I'd do the same. I'd buy something you like and be able to do baby duties. It does make sense.
  24. I'd easy have a nicely modded Supra. I wouldn't swap the Zed for it though. I'd happily have both though!
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