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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Is it constant or only when the brakes are applied? Was it only pads changed and was it all four corners?
  2. Nice Ming! I have the same toy for the nooks and crannies!
  3. I heard it on the radio and thought it was a couple of truck loads of the stuff! One wheelbarrow full..... pah!
  4. You still speaking about cars Nixy???
  5. Stew

    Stock Cats

    I'm not after more Power really Stew. I spoke to Mark at Abbey a couple of months ago about a few things, and anything that helps heat dissipate can only help. Its interesting that I lost the Drivers side Cat at about 25,000 miles prior to going FI. The pax side one lasted another 8,000 after conversion. So i don't really think FI is relevant. I'm just curious how long other peoples last. It bmight be more relevant that I only have a 7 mile commute each way, so the engine isn't really ever warming up I also note that APS insist on a True Dual exhaust to maintain the warranty. But they do not insist on Decats/ Hi flows which could net them a few ponies more. I had a Ford where the cat went at 25k, I'm curious at what mileage other people have had to change.? I wasn't sure how the mapping changed with increase of flow rather than tuning for outright power... I have no knowledge of FI really so was curious. I hit 53k on the hoon and I'm unsure if my car has had cats done or not. My landie cat failed at 82k though!
  6. San Diego in Southern California It's called Kansas City BBQ and is opposite the tall Hilton Hotel. Oooooh just went on to get the web address and found out they had a major fire! The piano is ok though.... I wonder if my business card (a tradition to put them on the wall) and my Scottish flag survived??? http://www.kcbbq.net/
  7. Stew

    Stock Cats

    Will you need the mapping adjusted with the freer flowing exhaust in place? With it being a turbo I wonder how much difference the sports cat would make.
  8. Tonight I'll mostly be working. Tomorrow I'll mostly be sleeping. Tomorrow night I'll mostly be working. Sunday I'll mostly be sleeping. Sunday night I'll mostly be working. You get the idea!
  9. I've been in the turbo one. It was pretty nippy if I remember correctly!
  10. I don't remember it being too bad to run.....
  11. Bet it handles like a errrrrrr Go Kart....... I'll shut the door on my way out.
  12. Was having a browse of some classics and found this one http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C113447/ WTF I hear you cry! Well my dad bought one identical (apart from his had no hardtop) in about 1997 and sold it in about 2002. I loved it, was one of the sweetest sounding V8s ever! It woke me up on a sunday morning often when I'd been on the beer the night before. Nothing cures a hangover like a V8 firing up and going for a spin roof down! Anyway, enough of my reminiscing...... I put up pics of the Stags replacement on here too a while ago. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=13460&p=186291&hilit=Louis+workshop#p186291
  13. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=27064 A failed attempt at discussing it! Maybe this one will stay on topic...
  14. I've drank in the bar from Top Gun a few times! You aren't allowed to play Gooses Piano now though.
  15. tried the sport kit but I have no complaints about the pro kit at all.
  16. Hey Mrs Biscuit, along to the club!
  17. As long as the owner likes it..... I still laugh everytime I see a brown clubman that works locally. It honestly looks like a poop.
  18. Some kind of ringer would be my guess.
  19. Got sent an email with the pics and one of the local papers has run the story. http://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/Article.aspx/1399991
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