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Everything posted by Stew

  1. + 1 It's not like it takes long either, the comentators generally manage to watch the replays, argue and decided in a matter of moments! And as with the other sports it adds a bit of tension/excitement whilst staring at the big sreen waiting for the verdict!! Pull your finger out FIFA Blatter announces that ball line technology will be introduced now for sure - obviously when it happened to England two years ago he couldnt give two hoots. But now its happened to a nation that paid him lots of money to choose them as the host nation things must change... ...oh, did I just say something slanderous there? [commentator] Goal Line technology didn't exist in 1966 either. [/commentator]
  2. Let me coach the England team. I'd get the results the world wanted.....
  3. Looks brilliant. Like my aerosync but without the reflectors.
  4. nope, its still on my window ledge, debating how to flick it off There is only one solution.... Someone elses steel rule. video it, I reckon with the right flick you'll get it splat on the building across the road!
  5. Stew


    I wear a Tag link near enough daily. It was a present to myself and I still love it. My dad wears a gold and diamond rolex daily. Although, he bought his 2 years ago and the price has increased by £4k (20%) in 2 years. Both of us are happy and at the end of the day, everybody spends there money the way they like.
  6. Stew

    Great car!

    He's a very good mate of mine so I take any chance for a mickey take!
  7. Stew

    New wheels :)

    235/35 R19 all round? Have you gone for a square setup of wheel size too?
  8. Stew

    New wheels :)

    What are the size and offsets of the wheels and the size of the tyres? Back tyres appear to be wrong profile at a glance.
  9. Stew

    Great car!

    The picture at the top scares me!
  10. I wouldn't leave the door unlocked with a toddler in the house. They can move quick and could be out the house and in the road in a flash.... I *can* leave my house door open (and keys in the car ignition) where I live but I don't. You have to take reasonable precaution in my opinion. I know you shouldn't have to but you're silly not to.
  11. Well, you are an active member of an owners club affiliated with Nissan HQ....... I'd mention this on the phone.
  12. Ask them to swap all wheels to ensure a match. If not I'd ask for 4 wheels to be powdered / painted together.
  13. Emmmmmm, isn't it the fact that they are building an FI engine to use that is the discussion point here? Not the way the California mule looks.
  14. Graham, is your Mother In Law a speedslut too?
  15. It'll be interesting to see how they tune them. Right now you have to rev them. With a possible increase in torque then it's possible that the driving experience will change significantly. Ruined? I doubt it. It's still going to be a special car. Different? Definitely.
  16. Well I had 3 1/2 week holiday abroad already this year. Don'#t think I'll be going away again this year for pleasure!
  17. Unfortunately with his late arrival thanks to RM he didn't get to do what he was meant to do with me. Meh, you work with what you can!
  18. Zedleys adventure was a turbulent affair. He missed my wedding reception and landed at a very busy work time for me! He arrived very tired after being lost for weeks in the Royal Mail system! I opened the package to reveal a very sick Zedley. He was glad to be out the jiffy bag but in a sorry state. As some of you know he was hooked up to a drip to get the him sorted out. After some time on the drip I gave him some food and he was feeling much better! He said he wanted to be active as he'd been cooped up for a while so I let him go for a Cycle. He was at my work so asked to go for a tour of the workshop. First step was to get signed in and do the induction. He liked this bit of equipment (50 points if you guess what it is) He had a shot of the forklift 'Nae as Big Dod' He had a pose on a splice bench as he thought it looked like some kind of monkey torture device He had a look around an offshore tool store. It wasn't as clean and tidy as when Stew used to be in charge of them offshore that's for sure! He wanted to see what Stew did now in the office so he read some literature that was on Stews desk. And had a look at the data in Stews office After a busy day he said since he was in Scotland he wanted to sample some of the local delights. It's out of Haggis season and he's not old enough to get on the Whisky so it was Scotlands other drink.... Zedley was very well behaved so Stew took him for an exciting day out. First up was climbing trees Then a play in the ball pit! Woooooooooooohhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooo! Another day and Zedley went to Stews house. He made some friends. Sox Oscar Stew introduced him to a special lady called Zoe. Oscar got jealous and tried to deck Zedley Zedley wanted to do some good while he was up here. He met Stews neighbour who is 10. He had a brain tumour and is now partially sighted. So Zedley decided he wanted to do the freefal abseil off the Forth Rail Bridge with Stew and his wife. No pictures while Zedley was doing it as he had to be firmly in Stews pocket! He enjoyed it though and was happy to raise some money for a good charity and help Stews neighbour! While he was there he thought he'd have a look to see what MartinMac and Lexx had been up to.... Zedley didn't get a chance to go for a run on the Motorbike but enjoyed a spin in the Man Truck. He said that Ekona and Stew are REAL men for having them! He said he was sick of seeing Zeds so not to bother too much with it! Now on his way to see Chris and have another adventure.......
  19. Once again... Therefore consider yourselves told to behave. So, carbon wrap eh?
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