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Everything posted by Stew

  1. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Vielside+V1+350z
  2. Well I can't help to be honest but others might. The more info the better. Best idea I'd have thought would be to do to a few career agencies to see what they say and what is available.
  3. emmmm, what do you want to do? What skills do you have? What qualifications do you have? What geographical area do you want to work in? Would you consider retraining?
  4. Hmmmmm, mine is high compared to them! Although in fairness I go over any speedbump that I come across!
  5. Stew


    Yes thats how slipper clutches work. There is no resistance to engine braking - ie if engine is spinning slower than wheels, it will just let the clutch "slip" so that it doesnt lock the back wheels up. Thats why its used in motorbikes as engine braking in bikes can easily lock the back wheel. Not really worth it in a car. hmm my own experience on track on bike with slipper clutch is that it slowly engage the clutch with the engine; engine braking still occurs but the rear wheel doesn't lockup. I need to investigate this further btw, tried a heal toe downshift earlier today... lol think I'll do it on closed road the next time... This should help - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slipper_clutch Standard on my bike. One less thing to orry about!
  6. The plenum is interesting! The cover looks top notch!
  7. If you can squeeze in an 11th then I'll go for it. If not, no worries. 1) stichy 2) Goatboy 3) nurrish 4) Rawbhp 5) rtbiscuit 6) introspect 7) srobrien 8) Greekman 9) Stez 10) mc 11) Stew
  8. I'd give it a polish. Or remove the popcharger, refit the std airbox and go back with it.
  9. It was a team competition with three people per team. I entered it with two mates and we went down to London for auditions which involved playing a load of games and we came inside the top 27 teams out of 5000 entrants and got on the show. Looking at the youtube vids I'm pretty sure it was Series 3, the one with Dexter Fletcher, I just can't find any vids of the competition though...... Just thought if you remembered the celebrities on it it'd be easy to sus out which episode it was. List is here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GamesMaster
  10. What celebrities did you beat Sarnie?
  11. Pic minus the language that makes me blush...
  12. Haha! That was the wierd pixelly head wasn't it? I remember the Lynx, you could flip the keypad round couldn'y you? I had a gameboy.
  13. Correct. Last time it was for sale we ripped it to shreds. Not much in the ad is the truth....
  14. What an album that was. Remember lying on a playing field drinking tennants lager singing this with a pile of friends!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTH2fDzyqOM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeMKM-eQPB4
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEzh10_xoqw Oh man, the 90s did have a few howlers.....
  17. link from the browser bar Did the MC Hammer one for you. Just put the youtube tags around it.
  18. tidied up. This is a fun place but lets keep it decent!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHjnNW9DGyk&feature=related or this mix. I loved it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3dFQUVv_WY
  20. Sorted the title for you! Well the nineties took me for basically 7 to 17 so I did a fair bit of growing up (read underage drinking) in there! My cousin loved The Happy Mondays. I got into them too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3XIlEUO-VE The release of the greatest album of my lifetime! Reminds me of a school trip to Euro disney! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd0C_Us31kk I won't even start on the monthly school disco tunes...... Drink heaps, turn up drunk and try to get a snog!
  21. My car sounds mental coming up the hill towards the hairpin!
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