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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Remember it's a big engine but it has torque. The car doesn't need revved (but quite likes it when you do!) to go anywhere. On national speed limit jaunt to work (if I take it...) it gets between 24 and 26 mpg on the run to work. Maccaman is on the money with the MPG figures really. I did well last week getting from Aberdeen to Alton towers (and round about) on one tank. That was 462 miles! It was about 70 quid to fill.
  2. Do you open it with this?
  3. Paint it! That's what most do!
  4. I had a flat eric in my bedroom at Mums. I bet it's still there! I can see Flat Eric getting pics taken in the Zed!
  5. viewtopic.php?f=29&t=26543 It is the link to the site.
  6. Widearch vielside zed or something with these. They look a great design too.
  7. Had the hood down and could hear the tyres locking and releasing...plus a slight kick from the pedal...i am looking for rims now... couldnt have a proper go as i wanna bed them in after i do a few miles and then try them properly...it was all accidental as the bite is not even yet... i was quite surprised...pleasantly may i add...but if its always like this it may be a bit annoying in town and on wet tarmac... What do you think? I've been a bit rough in town before. Press and stop! Lucky I only take the Zed about town for a pose generally. The brakes are superb. They have such a mental bite that initially you have to retrain. If you push the pedal like you would normally would you really stop! It takes a bit of retraining. When I jump from my freelander (with pish brakes) to the Zed I often get a jerk of the seatbelt locking. Then I remember and it's fine. It'll take a minute to get used to but I'd think you be impressed.
  8. You sure it's the ABS? I haven't felt the ABS on and I've had Dixcel brakes (same set up as yourself I think) for over a year! When I bedded them in I actually removed chunks from the road on the big stops they bite so hard but never locked up (or tried too) but with the force of the brakes and the bigger tyres it was enough to pull the surface up! Awesome!
  9. Ganstas Paradise was my ringtone until Coolio went into big brother. Then I removed it! Good effort on some of the tunes!
  10. Stew


    Andy, ZMANALEX is based just outside Perth so handy for you. I'd be tempted to run it home..... If you take it easy and avoid town you'd be ok I'd have thought.
  11. Now don't lie.... you knew the dance in 1996...... and probably still do! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NZjHKfbbiQ What about this legendary tune! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqViFmgaHek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UrG1pz55Wk&feature=related Tuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe this was the 90s.... still sounds fresh! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRCkAumK5b4 And finally (for now) I defy ANYONE to watch this and not sing the first line.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF9QI18-Bpo
  12. The cops probably couldn't care less. It's the MOT testers you have to worry about it!
  13. It's possible..... not legal though.
  14. I don't watch this TV show so I googled her name. Safe search was off. Bad idea as I'm at work!
  15. your brakes will tell them you tracked it. personally i'd reckon you stand a good chance of getting them to meet you half way on the overall costs of this saga. i'd start off at full cost and work down from there. Mmmmm good idea....or let them make the first offer.... btw you honestly cant tell the car has been on the track...mallory park is not exactly hard on brakes....there is no lip....there is nothing!!!! just cracks and soft brake feeling. ps Stew m8 it depends how fast you are going when you spot the coppers or the speed camera!!!! only joking...... I'm not judging. I own a supersports class motorbike. It's jail dodging every journey!
  16. you could do that damage on the road you would be locked up.
  17. Shire and Clarkie. I have painted bits red.
  18. You won't get DBA saying they've NEVER seen cracking on rotors on a tracked 350Z before. Unless they lie.....
  19. That is why you should always replace with modified parts. At least you'd hop in the car (aching and wiping the tears away) and firing it up with a huge grin as it sounds the business!
  20. Holly crap, that is cute!
  21. Personally I'm not really into the 'rat' look but that does look good. I'd look better with paint though. Maybe matte black!
  22. I'm sure the doctors on here will advise if this is sensible but u can take Ibuprofen and paracetamol at the same time. For best effect stagger them so you are getting pain relief every 2 hours. Then there is no need to take over the stated dosage.
  23. HOWEVER (and I'm being devils advocate here) Nissan didn't ask Greekman to go out on track. Also, I'd have thought that the overheating problem would have become apparent long before that amount of damage was caused to the braking system. I'm not defending the fact that the rotors were fitted the wrong way.
  24. I googled both ways..... That one came up with more results!
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