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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Why do nearly ALL the small family cars and superminis look the same? There are some exceptions to the rule....
  2. It certainly is possible Rik. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=27955&hilit=blended
  3. shame on you stew. Decided to get it all out the way this year so I could chill out! Now I can chill out and chuckle when I hear everyone moaning about Christmas presents!
  4. Well most of my christmas shopping is done! Just Mums to buy! As for the commute to work, well 2.5 miles maybe in 30s, 2.5 miles of dual carriageway and 11 miles of NSL which is rather good! In the winter it's a nightmare but the trusty gaylander gets me too and from work without too many issues.
  5. Hi and welcome. Seem all the questions have been answered. I really would advice to grab the code before resetting it. It is actually very simple to do with the pedal if you don't have an OBDII reader.
  6. Most V2 Nismos I've seen have a bracket. These might be Genuine Nismo bumpers though.
  7. Lovely pics Tim! The 350z-uk calander is going to feature meets this year. I'm sure yyou've taken some stunning pics this year with other owners so get them in!
  8. I think we shared the sweet ones.... We meant to share everything but it was force 8 in Durness! Buy a load and try them all!
  9. I'm not into 3 spoke designs at all. Never have been. I like the different colours though. That's cool!
  10. I had steak and ale. It was great. My other half had Haggis, Neeps and Tatties. Colin was impressed with he had too. So impressed he went back the next day! The sweet ones were unbelievable too!
  11. http://www.piesbypost.co.uk/ Myself and Ebized (and our better halfs) sampled these. AWESOME! Is that the one?
  12. Man, we have to wait till Tuesday until you go...... Get going already! I hope you and Laura have a wonderful time Jay. My online time will be a bit quieter without you about! Take care the both of you and I'm looking forward to a welcome home ice cream with you both!
  13. link [ url=http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=28830]link[/url] remove the space This is a handy link I found http://www.phpbb.com/community/faq.php?mode=bbcode or should that be handy link
  14. Stew

    Cusco arms

    Sorted the coding for you.
  15. Stew


    well if you need to find the sneaky routes out of aberdeen give me a shout if you don't know them already. .
  16. They are 50 and 100 bonus points respectively.
  17. What would you like to improve? For noise, an induction kit of some description will give you plenty of smiles per ££
  18. I absolutely agree. Maybe worth giving Nissan GB customer services a call and explaining that you'd like a 24hour test drive.
  19. I'm afriad to say that the dealer network lets the higher end Nissans down massively. They will be well versed on 1.2S Micras I bet..... That isn't good enough though! Drive a 350Z and you'll be able to make your own comparisons.
  20. Yeah i couldn't see them going for much either If we are sold by the kilo then I'm worth a fortune!
  21. I have a feeling that ZMANALEX has a genuine roadster cover available. I'm not sure if it'll fit with your super snout on though. Worth a PM for a price though!
  22. I hate adverts. I purposely Sky+ things so I can fast forward through. I probably miss a lot of good shows though as I don't see them advertised!
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