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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Yes, I do it often. A good spray sealant can top up protection, add a little to the look and takes 5 mins.
  2. I think it's easiest to pop off from the back. Remove the wheel and they should push out. Not sure if it's easy to get them off without the wheel removed.
  3. A Felicia Fun! Rare as rocking horse p00p really? i seem to think ive seen loads of them in my time? and theres a old guy that drives one in my local village (its in a nice shade of faded green!) Here is a Felicia Fun. Rare and only available in yellow.
  4. I want pretty much every gadget from Back to the Future 2. Hoverboards, self drying clothes, auto lacing trainers etc etc.... But especially the hoverboard.
  5. Not brand new then..... Like new would perhaps be more accurate. However, that's splitting hairs. My point was it was a physical car that had been driven by others (however briefly) and not a factory order. Im not seeing what your trying to get at? If it was from the factory, it would have cost £54k, if it was on PCP he would have had to pay roughly £25k for 3 years,. What he is getting at is that you said it was "brand new" but then stated it was a demo, which are not the same thing. If he had bought it brand new, it would have been £54k as you pointed out yourself. If your dad had got it on PCP he would have had a new car (£54k) and the £25k lease payments would have brought the figures almost exactly in line with your proposed current value of £30k............... Exactly.
  6. Not brand new then..... Like new would perhaps be more accurate. However, that's splitting hairs. My point was it was a physical car that had been driven by others (however briefly) and not a factory order.
  7. But presumably he paid cash for it. And it wasn't new. My Dad has done the PCP calcs many times. The cars he buys would be upwards of a grand a month. He buys his cars in cash when very nearly new and just accepts the depreciation hit, the cars have always taken a hit already. He always buys privately too as he reckons he'd pay too much in Company car tax purchasing it through his company. Pays your money and makes yer choice. I still maintain that PCP works well for those that don't have the cash and want a brand new car.
  8. I started drinking dark rum a while ago. Out with the boys it's nips of dark rum and diet coke. If I was actually savouring it it'd be a good rum with ice.
  9. I have no idea if this happens where I work or not. It's not something I've ever found out. To me it would just be bad luck.
  10. The car in your sig looks like Mikes!
  11. A Felicia Fun! Rare as rocking horse p00p
  12. A nickname that begins with 'The' for extra douche points. eg. Just call me 'The Sherminator' , a sophisticated sex robot sent back through time to change the future for one lucky lady! Being nicknamed The Double Denim Dude doesn't really have the same snappy effect though does it. You were given that nickname though. If you make it up yourself like The Sherminator then it's lame! If someone else gives you the nickname then it's all good, no matter what it is!
  13. My dad sent back a reply..... That was all I got.... No idea what it is so some investigation might be required but I guess it's a permanent solution!
  14. A nickname that begins with 'The' for extra douche points. eg. Just call me 'The Sherminator' , a sophisticated sex robot sent back through time to change the future for one lucky lady!
  15. I thought of you when I put this up! I'll wear my kilt to work tomorrow then!
  16. Good to know. No naughtier images are required.
  17. I can't get my head around this bit at all. If I bought and sold a car after three years, yes the depreciation may be slightly more than the rent, but I would have the money back from selling the car whereas you would have nothing to show for your three years worth of rent? £20000 - £10000 = £10000 = -£10000 assuming £20k cash purchase and 10k resale. £0 - £10000 = -£10000 assuming £10k lease fees and an empty bank account to begin with. So it's decent if you don't have the cash to begin with and want / need a new car.
  18. I've looked on every windowsill in the office today to see if there is any cr@p to fling!
  19. My Dad is in his office there just now. I've just emailed to ask if any of his expat employees or mates there have sky and how they get it. Not saying he'll answer though......
  20. It looks a million times better in grey than it does in brown. I'd rather have a 'lesser' model with FAR better looks though.
  21. I'm more interested in the ones that you DIDN'T take pics of!
  22. Just when I think it can't get any worse, you do something like this and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!
  23. The REAL Mr Incredible would have flicked the cr@p out of the cr@p! IMPOSTER!!!!!
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