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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Wowsers. Not a model I remember seeing before. It looks like a retro car designed yesterday! Very modern looking. I like that a lot. The more I look at it the more I like it!
  2. Jeez chill out dude, what a great first post Whats wrong with everyone today? Need a heavy dose of chill pills i think. My post may seem a bit silly because at the time i was referring to a post above mine that i had no idea what the whole thing was about and seemed to be a bit bitchy, it has since been removed so now my post looks silly !! I thank Stew for taking the time to explain why the post appeared and disappeared again i understand whole heartedly why the rules are in place. I once did admin for an Irish car site and spammers were the bain of our lives, hence why i didn't want to spam for 15 posts. I could never take on adfmin work again, totally thankless work. Finally I don't want to offend or pee off anyone on here, just selliong my zorst and i may hang around if ye all want me to !! And for the record the zorst is still on my zed and for sale unless my buddy, Mark has sold it !! Cheers everyone ! Pete. You are more than welcome to hang about Pete. Anyway I'll stop spamming this for sale post although it's now had a free bump!
  3. I agree with both of these. I like watches so would not buy a copy as they ARE generally rubbish. I don't have any copied movies as I have a decent Samsung LCD, good Harmon Kardon Separates and quality Monitor Audio speakers. Why would I watch a copied film after spending a bit of cash on that lot? Makes no sense...... I think though that a lot of us are on the same page here though. We like quality.
  4. Pete, welcome to the forum, nice of you to join us the day you decided to sell your exhaust.... The point in my post (That I removed as I realise it maybe wasn't very constructive and for that I apologise) was that the rules stated below do not have 'or my mate will sell it for me' in them. We all know Mark around here and perhaps his ad should have stated it was not his exhaust and it was for sale on behalf of a friend without the need to PM him. I'm sure you're a decent guy and trustworthy if Mark is doing this for you but if you weren't then this would be the exact point in the rules being in place - to protect the members. I'm sure you understand this. I must also thank you for not spamming the forum to get enough posts for an ad. Anyway, I'd like to wish you best of luck with the sale of the exhaust - if it hasn't sold yet! Stew
  5. Nicely put I think Sarah. Check out http://z-store.co.uk/ for said good quality and competitively priced parts.
  6. Moved. Temper tantrums belong in the off topic section.
  7. I'll not be leaving the office for over 2 hours! Been in 10.5 hours already..... I'm hoping tea is on the table when I get in. I always get told it'll be in the cat!
  8. Nobody has to buy replica parts. If they are posted on this forum then you can choose not to look at them at all. We (the team) regularly change titles and descriptions to say 'style' etc when non original parts are being offered. If you see 'style' in a topic then feel free to pass it over as it is likely to offend you. It's a personal thing. A lot of people won't consider buying replica parts and others love the idea of getting the look they desire for a lower cost. Each to their own.
  9. http://www.cookitsimply.com/category-0020-0i50.html
  10. It has to be flashed first in the frying pan to be 20 times tastier when it comes out the oven!
  11. modified macaroni cheese is awesome too! Make a really cheesy sauce and some pasta. Mix them together with some bits of cooked bacon. Top with a mix of cheese and crushed ready salted crisps and pop in the oven until the top is golden. Crunchy topping and yummy!
  12. Whatever Jayne makes me! I made a very tasty cottage pie the other night - modified though naturally! I had Fajitas last night!
  13. Come on money bags. It has to be series 8 LED!
  14. Emmmm well I think you hold one of the buttons (can't remember which one it is) until it flashes then push the other one. Have a fiddle, it's something to do with the buttons and flashing! I think..... I haven't driven the Zed this week so haven't done mine. Oh and my top tip of the day, if you are mucking about with anything in the car, do it while stopped on the driveway!
  15. I LOVE the A team! Is it going to be like Miami Vice - serious and crap or like Starsky and Hutch - funny and brilliant???? If they make it serious I will be forced to write a seriously worded letter of complaint to the studio!
  16. The cut out issue is definitely headunit. I'm on HU number 2 and it's started doing it intermittently now. It's a right pain in the ass! There is a fix with a guide on the forum for the brave.
  17. Let us know what the report says as we might be able to interpret some of the 'doom and gloom' if it's a normal issue.
  18. I HATE the X6. M or no M. It's a horrendous piece of crap that is pointless. Every tasteless tw*t in Aberdeen has one too..... I don't see the point in having a 4x4 that can't carry anything either and looks sporty.... Oh and if IS lowered it looks like the 5 series GT which is possibly uglier. I have no idea how it is to drive and I have no plans on finding out. I DO like the X5 though which looks the same from the front but keeps proper 4x4 proportions and is a much more handsome car in my opinion. I realise they are the same under the skin but it works. Same as that fugly 5 series GT thing - I'd have a saloon but hate it with a hatchback. The lines just offend my taste I'm afraid. So in summary, no.
  19. You 'lost'? Have you checked behind the radiator, fridge, etc? looked in the cat? Good call actually...... My cat likes my marine fish tank!
  20. Tarmac - minister for road laying and hare coarsing
  21. I lost a clown fish a few weeks ago. My other one needs a friend now!
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