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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew

    Wheel decals

    preformed tape On a blackwheel
  2. I like beans on toast.... with cheese on the top! Cheese on everything, no wonder I'm fat!
  3. Stew

    Wheel decals

    Kawasaki green should be fine. It'll cost next to nothing too! You can always do it to try it out and see if you like it. You can buy preformed rim tape too... It's really easy to apply.
  4. X factor voice needs to be applied for the first post!
  5. I always buy sweets and then hardly any kids come round! I'm working this year so won't be home until 7.30pm so I doubt I'll get many! I always get my neice and maybe some of her friends and normally my two neighbours. This year there are about a million kids in my street though..... I bet none of them trick or treat though! Nothing ever happened to my house or car, if it starts this year though heads will be rolling.
  6. Stew

    Wheel decals

    Do the wheels green!
  7. Oh f**k no! I'm sure I'm mild compared to others too!
  8. chilli burritos for me last night!
  9. Sack that! I drive 16 miles each way to the office and it takes me less than 20 mins in the landie at any time of day. Unless I get stuck behind a tractor! 9 mins if I take my motorbike My workmate goes 55 miles each way it takes him less than an hour! These congested Aberdeenshire roads are hell!
  10. I make you look like a total southerner and I have no idea what you're on about!
  11. Its not an MOT failure to not have it on the plate. Mine has the 350z-UK logo in its place and has passed twice with it on Its a DVLA stipulation that reg place makers have to put it on there, I dont think its illegal for you not to have it, if that makes sense. No one cares really. Craigplates will do you a set without the logo I beleive Mine would pass with a piece of toast in place of a reg plate!
  12. http://www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk/plates.htm#at I can't find the official form that I have been handed a couple of time.... :halo: This is basically whats on it though.
  13. I don't really use it. Just wanted to send my mate who was offshore a message and another message to my mate whos in Aus. I can spend 5 mins on it before becoming bored.....
  14. Looks like a video that would have been in Napoleon Dynamite!
  15. Stew


    I have two fronts in my garage. Hello ebay!
  16. soup is a brilliant easy base for a sauce. I use mushroom soup a lot for this purpose.
  17. I'm having an issue working facebook on my laptop. I run Mozilla Firefox and it worked until I got (another) my PC a couple of weeks ago. Now I can log in, view stuff but can't post anything. I have tried with IE (to support Chesterfields mate) and it works partially, maybe it works ok actually..... What am I doing wrong? I hate IE and woruld rather use Firefox. I guess it's a setting, can anyone help?
  18. Stew

    Dipped Beam

    He means 'teuchter' especially for you sassenachs - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teuchter and yes.........can completely agree on the lights having now driven around Fife in the dark It's obvious that was written by a weegie..... ignorant northerner indeed...... As for the lights, they are poor. I changed the bulb and it made the problem worse! So went back to stock. I might try again but running about rural Aberdeenshire isn't the best!
  19. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=16768&hilit=+bose might help a bit. viewtopic.php?f=9&t=22087&p=316642&hilit=+jdm+fuse+location#p316642 You haven't fixed this in 6 months? Did you download the manual?
  20. So a roof is 15k and an engine is 10k+ from Nissan....... Hmmmm, I'm thinking the 350Z roadster is a bargain package!
  21. along. Search the FAQs etc. As stan says, nothing major but a few things to be aware of.
  22. can someone translate? I've asked Rachel Riley for a few consonants and vowels.
  23. I'll stick my neck out and say no, it isn't common.
  24. Bet they say 'whole new roof system - £4000' or something equally as ludicrous!
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