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Everything posted by Stew

  1. ... or me .. I was 3' 6" !! That doesn't surprise me! I was 11lb 2oz! Thank goodness for C sections or I think my Mum would hate me.
  2. Sounds like it'll be as big as me when I was born.....
  3. Moved. Azures are popular amongst the enthusiasts on the forums as are Ultra Yellows. Considering 100 or so were made I bet we've seen more than 50% of them through this club. GMs are by far the most common (popular) colour however meets are more colourful generally.
  4. Me. I'm on day 2 of 7. Will be lonely in the office after tomorrow sitting here on my own!
  5. +1 I got mine through last winter doing just that. By the way, Stew, how's the weather where you are at the moment? Not bad. Probably about 6 inches or so lying. Aberdeenshire is on a 'don't drive' on national radio today but I trundles my 16 miles of country roads to work today without issue in the gaylander. In the place I live it was pretty slippery with ice patches under the snow and that eased off about 6 miles from home. I was still in work at 6.30am though.
  6. He did. I saw a *cough* scabby looking import in Aberdeen with one too.
  7. Why am I think Cosworth Plenum with the wrinkle red cam covers...... Mmmmmmmm nice!
  8. I will pour water out the cold tap on my windscreen. As long as it's above 0*C it'll melt ice efficiently.
  9. I run a full Dixcel setup and I think it's awesome!
  10. Oh and us 'shire' people say the 'toonsers' cannae drive!
  11. Stew

    Will 20s be ok?

    A lot of companies recomend 35s at the front. Adam@Z1 recommended me the tyre sizes and I've been happy with them. I don't like tyre stretch and the 285 looks chunky. It's totally personal preference though!
  12. Moved to a more appropriate section. Shame we don't have a 'fancy wheels on unpainted zeds' section!
  13. Learn to "ghostride" the Zed. On my trip back from Germany to the UK, I got coaught in the worst of it and it took me 18 hours to get back. Stick the Zed in 1st or 2nd, then gently lift the clutch, no throttle, maybe feather the clutch till you start moving. Once moving, resist the urge to step on the throttle, just let the Zed "ghostride" itself thru the snow and ice. +1 if your driving in snow/ice its not a race. you will see most cars (fwd) pass you but dont try to keep up as you wont. Also if you know the route then slow down early and use your brakes like there is an egg under the pedal. dont press hard enough to activate abs or you wont stop. Use more of the lane also as it gives you more room for error. For the record, i do know about this and while i am in no way a driving god, i am not a driving 'tard either. I was at my parents house where the snow on the road was about 20cm and with then zed's ground clearance i think i am justified in using the term stranded! What you on about? I was just saying it, its general advice for everyone and anyone who doesnt know. I think that's pretty sound advice to be honest and we get a fair bit of snow here usually.
  14. What you're doing seems fine. I wouldn't bother with a cover.
  15. Stew

    Will 20s be ok?

    Alright, I have 20s of the same size (different offsets though) A 10mm spacer minimum will bring the wheel out, you could go more though if you wanted to be aggressive..... I run 245/30 and 285/30 and it's spot on, no issues with rub (lowered on Eibach Pros) or TC and looks pretty good in my opinion. Perhaps speak to Andy or CS (both traders on here) for spacers.
  16. eh???? rear wheel jeep??????????? 4x4s are called 4x4sfor a reason...... Unless it's a crappy 'urban' thing with FWD only! Ahh the x5 is awd I always thought they where rwd as all bmws are. My bad. To be fair I think they are rear biased 4WD.
  17. That is PORN for the ears! Theonly 911 I've seen being rallied personally was being driven by Jimmy McRae!
  18. There is a big local radio campaign up here just now saying if you are caught for a second time they will (probably 'can') seize your car. Excellent, I'm all for second chances. The first time is a mistake and the second time is a f**k up.
  19. Hi Jemma! I hope he was pleased with his early surprise! I'm sure opening someone elses mail is illeagal, I'm sure you know a few keepers of the law that'd sort him out!
  20. eh???? rear wheel jeep??????????? 4x4s are called 4x4sfor a reason...... Unless it's a crappy 'urban' thing with FWD only!
  21. I live in Aberdeen not siberia R I've been in -52*C in Siberia. Rarely colder than -10*C in Aberdeen though!
  22. Ouch! Hope you know who it is as a swift kick in the bollocks will be a nice addition to any ban received.
  23. Where did you spy me then Stew? Leaving westhill between Tescos and Tarland roundabout. I'll be quite happy if I get to drive to work in a foot of snow tomorrow!
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