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Everything posted by Stew

  1. My local bike club usually do a 'santa run' but it was banned this year (due to it's popularity) without paying for police. I mean buying presents with your own money and taking one day to deliver gifts to children in hospital, childrens homes and terminal cancer support places obviously isn't a good enough reason to supply a couple of officers..... The easter egg run looks doubtful too, same places, same reason.
  2. http://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/Article ... 5?UserKey= The police can be absolute tools at times!
  3. But with a girlie clutch and horrible gearknob!
  4. I don't but if nobody posts up pics I'll take some as my OEM bumper is lying in the garage so can easy sort some out.
  5. Stew

    ebay wheel spacers

    PM Andy or CS. At least you'll get forum assured bits!
  6. That'll be a bloody toonser! I look forward to your demonstration on the BBC of how to drive in these conditions, it seems that everywhere could benefit from it Haha! I doubt that very much! I cheat as I have a 4WD and 195 tyres.
  7. Hi! Where in the Netherlands are you from? along!
  8. Didn't you work last Chrimbo too? How come you lucked out or is that a cunning plan so you can have time off when the weather is slightly more clement? I was off last christmas. Was on for new year though working nights too! It was nice to be off as I'd been away with work for the 5 Christmases previously! The two before that I flew in from South of France and then Moscow on the 23rd which was cool. In fact 3 years ago (I think) I flew home from South of France on 22nd December and went away offshore on 24th December! So I'm grateful just to be able to drive home and have a snooze in my bed!
  9. 'm pretty sure you'll find ALL your answers via search.
  10. I've had them for a couple of years. They clear the screen! Can't remember the size off the top of my head. I think I'm going to buy some for the gaylander (crimbo treat for it) as I think they are far superior.
  11. It'll be registered as PLG or something then as some of them are.
  12. Long Bacon has potential to be rude too!
  13. Looking forward to giving you a race Stew Cool! See you there Mark!
  14. One of the most widely covered topics on here. Do a search and you'll find figures for all driving styles and all journey types.
  15. Oooooh, ooooooh R35 with power pack + electric motor! 760 bhp!
  16. The Range Rover (full size not sport) is pretty darmn good in winter. My Dad had one up until a couple of weeks ago and for me the winter highlight was the heated steering wheel! Loads of other diff controls and air suspension ride height changie stuff to play with but you could point it at anything and it'd go! See, they even go slightly offroad sometimes too! viewtopic.php?f=21&t=15965&
  17. *Most* imports regarless of age have taxed base on date of import. Imported after March 2006 then £400 and imported before March 2006 and it should be £200 odd.
  18. That's exactly what has happen here' The side roads that haven't been gritted are just about impossible. I can't get any traction in the Zed even with just letting up the clutch with no throttle Exactly, it wasnt the snow, but that fact that we had some, it was compressed, froze, then we had more snow over the top of that. Gritters didnt do sod all to it. Just had it on the weather that heavy rain is heading this way and freezing temps too. Stew, it said -8C over night for you (-12 minimum in Scotland), and rain too, so suggest you are going nowhere tomorrow! Heavy rain just washes the grit away, so it will be just sheet ice Meh, I'll be at the office at the 6.30am. Unfortunately I'm one of two people this week that is 'operationally essential' for Europe and Africa......
  19. Ice is damned dangerous, nothing you do on that! We've had LOADS of rain today so if it freezes it'll be interesting getting to work tomorrow.
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