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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew

    Will 20s be ok?

    The reason profile mixing is a grey area is due to the ESP system on the Zed. If you have a search for things like 'twitchy zed' 'sh*t I crashed' 'My Zed tried to kill me' 'oooooohhhhhh my god' 'emmmm I'm upside down' etc etc you'll usually find that it's wrong profile tyres or odd tyres. The stability system on the zed is easily upset and once it's upset you have a 1500kg 300bhp machine trying to spit you off the road at every opportunity.
  2. Stew

    Will 20s be ok?

    You shouldn't mix it. That's the point made above! Good tyre sizes! As I mentioned earlier mine is on Eibach Pros (about -27mm in reality) and I get no rubbing. With 20mm spacers it'll be very aggressive and probably arch rolling would be required. With 10mm spacers you would probably get away with it. 15mm maybe???
  3. I soooooooooooooooo want to but I got grief for racing the boats...... I'll pass this one round work though as they all went boat crazy.
  4. Why fiddy you looking at getting a copy made? Do you want me to start posting pics again....? Well as long as the pics are of a harness bar or speakers then maybe it'll benefit the thread!
  5. Now Colin, the fact it's unsold isn't strictly true is it??? I know you bought these for June! http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/1533835/ Myself, Ebized and our other halves stopped in by cocoa mountain when on our post hoon hoon for some hot chocolate and truffles! And for the non headline grabbing truffles visit http://www.cocoamountain.co.uk/ Oh and they taste even better than they look! I can't think of a better way to follow up the 'Pies by post' from Loch Inver for that genuine Highlands Delicacy day!
  6. To complete the look you'd maybe need the gearknob and handbrake cover too unless you have other ideas! R35 LEE is the boy for getting spares! Other than that you could see if anyone wanted a swap. Also, there are guides for doing the steering wheel etc, worth doing a search.
  7. Envy do them. Some of the other traders might too.
  8. Stew

    EBC Blue Stuff

    Says they are for 'closed circuit only' and say 5-6 hours use. I'd imagine the longevity wouldn't touch Dixcel. Even with Greekman at the wheel!
  9. Ditto, i met my mate and 3 girls in a pub last night for a few. Was kinda wondering why every fella was very friendly, i thought it was just the fact it was christmas. HOW WRONG WAS I !!!!! Gay Bar!!! Oh quick edit. . . . Merry Christmas everybody So we all know what Gilly got given for Christmas! Thing is i had no idea untill about my third (blank). Standing at the bar i had one of those "Wait a minute, something aint quite right here" thoughts. All three bar fellas were kinda camp, So i studied my surroundings a little closer then (blank) hit me when i (blank) the two quite rough looking middle aged fellas drinking glasses of wine and possibly the 95% to 5% Guy to Girl ratio . Really should have guessed when i realised the bar was on the same street as Edinburgh's most famous Gay Bar, CC Blooms. Lucky for me, one of the girls we were with was single. . . so basically i (blank) her and held on for dear life. Esp when the marilyn manson lookalike cross dresser came close Fill in the blanks......
  10. This begs only one question! 'Have you even shot two guns while jumping through the air?'
  11. Ok, I have resurrected this. I still think on the whole that christmas music is rubbish HOWEVER these ones stand out for me. A new one this year And another, no idea why I like it but I do! Love these covers
  12. They did Dawn. The Subaru owners waited and for half an hour (or was it an hour???) before carrying on. I must admit, I'd have loved to have seen the guy that they pulled over dressed as Santa in the back of the police car!
  13. Ditto, i met my mate and 3 girls in a pub last night for a few. Was kinda wondering why every fella was very friendly, i thought it was just the fact it was christmas. HOW WRONG WAS I !!!!! Gay Bar!!! Oh quick edit. . . . Merry Christmas everybody So we all know what Gilly got given for Christmas!
  14. That'll fit nicely into the new big garage I'm sure Paul!
  15. The first one belongs to a member on here.
  16. Well I read the paper last night as I wanted to know what had gone on. The guys were pulled over and a police officer started pulling tinsel off a car saying 'it was ridiculous' etc. The Subaru owners came across as very hard done by however that's only one side of the story. I does turn out one guys MOT had expired 2 days before so that was a fair £60 fine from the Police.
  17. Best (worst) hire car I ever had was one of these I was 17, passed my test about 2 months and it was this colour! Removed the air filter (3 cylinder eng) and it sounded like an impreza turbo! It was abused beyond belief but did get a wash with a fire hose after it had been rallied in a field for 2 hours solid. It was by far the worst piece of biscuit tin crap I have ever been in. I wouldn't have been so mean to it if the hire company had treated me with any kind of respect at all.
  18. It was not me Danny. Well to be fair it might have been my car as I've been sitting in my office 12 hours so plenty time to steal it and drive it there!
  19. I must say that 1) Grumpians finest are actually generally not that bad and 2) The Evening Express is a crap paper However if I was there trying to help kiddies that are dying, ill or have no families and they pulled me for having a mis spaced numberplate (or whatever) then I'd not be best pleased.....
  20. Ok, spot the http://www.350z-uk members! not quite TV coverage, but its been edited in a fairly decent way. Lucia seems quite good (and tasty) but they really need a second mic and an umbrella Reelmotion Race Coverage http://nipponchallenge.14.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=956 Introduction & Qualifying Pre-Race Driver Interviews Race 1 (part 1) Race 1 (part 2) Driver Interviews - Post Race 1 Race 2 (part 1) Race 2 (part 2) Nice interview Dixon!
  21. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=2945 http://350z-tech.com/zwiki/Service:Index That any good for you? I know it's US but it might help you a bit.
  22. £6 a blade in Tesco just now.
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