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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Honestly though 20 inches of snow is a pain, the thing I find is when you clear it you have nowhere to put it! Obviously that amount isn't on the roads etc. I'll see how much falls tonight!
  2. I tried but it was dark! That's the problem working nights! If I'm up in daylight I'll take some pics.
  3. I went out to the wheelie bin tonight and just about lost a boot in the snow in my back garden. Decided to measure it. Found a long stick (that is part of a cat toy) and measured an untouched bit of the back garden and the garage roof. The stick disappeared into the snow both times. Measured the stick and it was 20 inches long! So I have more than 20 inches of snow fall in the back. The front is the same as it was up to my knees when I was clearing the jeep. On a lighter note I pushed and dug a few folk into works car park this morning as our tractor mannie hadn't been round. They said 'we'll wait to see you get out ok' and I replied 'I'm going out Ken Block style!' Big drifts and out!
  4. I'm sure the swiss (and some other nations) base the speeding fines on wealth and income. Our 60 quid is paultry in comparison but not if you are a student or very low earner with every penny accounted for. If a court hands out a fine that made you think - oh dear where am I going to find that??? Then (in my opinion) the courts have done their job as you'll think twice about doing it again.
  5. Just sneak into the daily chat thread Stan.... You can get away with all sorts of discussions in there!
  6. Honestly, at the price Envy are selling those genuine kits for I wouldn't even entertain a replica. Why they weren't sold in an hour I have no idea......
  7. Why don't you PM Chris from JDM Performance for confirmation.....
  8. A rotten or blowing exhaust could cause a fail so get it repaired or replaced http://www.classic-car-magazine.co.uk/a ... ation.html I was going to do a LMGTFY but decided to be kind.....
  9. I can see them. I'm using firefox and did right click and reload frame.
  10. screw it, put up dog sex and epic boobs!
  11. Everyone's been "working from home today" ...... can't you tell ? Speak for yourself! I'm sitting in the office right now!
  12. I was thinking that you could take a pic of some writing too. You could make an 'advertising fail' pic and have that posted up.....
  13. Nope. Haven't even made a snowman. I was too busy sledging with my niece for any construction work!
  14. And the Aberdonians favourite measurements... ignoring stuff like ba' hairs etc. My personal favourite is a thochtie or the even smaller halfathochtie!
  15. just cos you're jealous!! you should come to my house i've got at least 5-6 inches in my road!!! Oh I have 12 - 15 inches in my back garden. I stepped in snow today in my front garden (previously untouched) and it was up over my knees. I have a enough snow! It was just that 7 inches of snowfall was forecast and less than half of that fell. The peoblem is where to put all the stuff I dig. I've kinda run out of room.....
  16. I know nothing about star trek, all I know is that it's confusing as hell. Thank god I never had to use it much! I always measured in milimetres and converted if need be!
  17. Rig feet is basically a normal foot (12 inches) but you measure it with decimal. So 10 feet 6 inches becomes 10.5 feet. It's bloody stupid and horrible to work with!
  18. Turn off your front fogs you chav! Only got about 2-3 inches of snow fall today. Near work was more though. Roads still a nightmare, landie still making light work of it so far.
  19. Hmmmm, I was taught cm at school. I'm an Engineer and have worked all over so using a variety of measurements for distance, weight, pressure, power and temperature. Now (from the comfort of my office) I set up this stuff for clients and look after their equipment which is in all different measurements! Thank goodness I can change the units here! The best unit of measurement I've used is 'rig feet'
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