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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I've put pics of me in a boozing kilt up before!
  2. Did I miss if these are front/rear or both????
  3. Rich, I hate to say that that is probably a skirt. He's certaily not been dressed by a Scotsman as he's wearing the wrong socks, wrong footwear, the kilt is too long and his shirt isn't jacobite. I'll be wearing a kilt on Friday, I'll maybe even put up pics of how it should be done!
  4. We wear Kilts, ok. What do you 'men' wear then?
  5. sure you must have some fur somewhere See the wax thread Mike..... Markie did away..... I'm stopping there.
  6. Loving this pic (stolen from PH) This would be a bit more manly to ride....
  7. Congrats Bennet. I must saw little Ben has an ace hairdo. I'm liking that, very early Valentino Rossi like!
  8. The purpose of this thread was to reinforce that winter tyres DO make a big difference to the very poor snow grip of the 350Z. Hopefully to help people make decisions about tyres and to realise that they are not just for snow. To answer your point I DID expect it to be better than it is, I have driven MANY RWD cars including my track prepared 240Z and the 350Z is the worst in the wet never mind the snow. Sorry Rob, my comment wasn't aimed at you. It was really in response to reading about 100 people on the forum say their Zed (with performance tyres usually) are rubbish in the snow. Good winter tyres will make the car far more tractable in these conditions, far from perfect. I opt to leave the Zed at home and use my other car which is far more suited to the conditions. I highlight a VERY good statement made by yourself!
  9. Whites a walk in the park to keep compare to black (Colins previous Zed was black)
  10. http://www.mk3oc.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47820 What a tool...... I just hope the accident he causes doesn't involve anyone else.
  11. Pffffft Nearly everyone on this forum is a southerner!
  12. If I was you I'd give it a damn good polish (if you have the time) and it'll be worth a hell of a lot more. Even getting a pro to do it for you wouldn't break the bank.
  13. Stew

    2003 350Z

    Locked at Ians request.
  14. split this out of Ians for sale thread.
  15. I bet you can get a matching steering wheel cover and seat belt pads too!
  16. The picture isn't from a Zed though! The phone dock will unclip and you'll be able to plug in the bluetooth module. No idea if you'll be able to do anything fancy with the ipod though bar the tape deck hack.
  17. My Zeds awesome in the snow. is a phrase you will never hear. Honestly, what did people expect?
  18. Should be ok as long as it's been printed off! Free burger are always a winner!
  19. Some pics from my house this morning. The back garden My North Face booted foot lost in the snow! The Golf Cousre next to my house Jaynes car (used a lot in the snow and quite good!) with the Zed behind One of my snow piles! My poor freelander and a Q7 decided my side of the road looked better than his own despite me driving into the verge Luckily the glass was held on by the electric wires so it popped back in. Did the Q7 stop? Did it hell! I just hope he has WAY more damage than I had!
  20. -17 degC outside right now! Flipping heck it's cold!
  21. Stew

    Spacers vid

    Heres a little GIF I stumbled across that might answer a few questions people would have about hubcentric spacers. A picture paints a thousand words afterall. This is the same style as the Eibach System 4s that are popular with forum members.
  22. A few locations about see http://www.handmadeburger.co.uk/ Anyway, heres a voucher so enjoy! http://www.handmadeburger.co.uk/wp-cont ... er_jan.jpg Yum, I want one now!
  23. Chris'I is in blazingsmoke and has had wheels powdercoated. Maybe see if he has any ideas.
  24. The look from the guy at the back! 'Why the F**k is he taking pics instead of pushing.....'
  25. Hows this for a snow pic! (Stolen from DW) in case you haven't seen this, this picture (courtesy of the BBC & NASA's Terra Satellite) is how the UK currently looks........
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